Marriage Lessons Learned Too Late
Marriage Lessons Learned Too Late
My beloved wife passed away recently and suddenly, only four months after finding out that she had cancer and only two weeks after entering the hospital in what seemed like relatively good health (she was able to walk in on her own, though she was having abdominal pain and was throwing up pretty bad).
One extremely painful yet extremely important lesson I learned the last week of my wife’s life was how selfish… Continue reading
The Sinner’s Prayer As Fire Insurance
The Sinner’s Prayer As Fire Insurance
Many people think that they can get saved “at the last minute” by simply reciting some “sinner’s prayer” on their deathbed, after living a life of sin and rebellion against God and His commandments. The problem with this idea is that reciting words that we have no understanding of, is not the Gospel. We can’t expect to pray some prayer on our deathbed as “fire insurance” to get us out of a jam… Continue reading
The Wrong Perspective On Salvation And The Gospel
The Wrong Perspective On Salvation And The Gospel
The modern Church often uses ambiguous words and terminology to describe salvation, to explain how a person becomes saved. They often use expressions like:
You need to accept Christ
You need to believe in Christ
Anybody can accept a “Christ” on their own terms and who fits their own false definition of who Jesus Christ is. Anybody can believe in Christ, including the devil himself. But to believe in and… Continue reading
The Gospel In 3 Words
The Gospel In 3 Words
The Gospel of Jesus Christ in three words is simply this: “Jesus – Is – Lord”!
- Allah is not Lord.
- Aphrodite is not Lord.
- Apollo is not Lord.
- Baal is not Lord.
- Buddha is not Lord.
- Confucius is not Lord.
- Dagon is not Lord.
- Dionysus is not Lord.
- Gaia is not Lord.
- Hermes is not Lord.
- Isis is not Lord.
- Jupiter is not Lord.
- Mohammed is not Lord.
- Neptune is not Lord.
- Odin is… Continue reading
Hus The Heretic
Hus The Heretic
By Poggius The Papist
The First Epistle Of Poggius To Nikolai
The following lengthy letter was written by a Catholic clergyman (serving as a messenger of the Pope) who wanted to document the trial of a Catholic priest named John Huss (also known as Jan Hus, John Hus or Johannes Huss) who was born in Bohemia which is now the Czech Republic. Huss had greatly angered the Catholic leadership for preaching against many serious theological… Continue reading