A Worldwide Internet Christian Discipleship Ministry

Music Resources

Various music materials available online including downloadable MP3 music files, online hymnals, Scripture-based songs.

Christian gospel sheet music collection

Christian* Ministries That Base Songs On Scriptures

Scripture Songs – Robert Evans (*former Pentecostal who converted to Catholicism)


Audio Versions Of Hymnals

Scripture Songs Playlist At YouTube


Scripture Songs, Hymns & Praise Song Playlists At YouTube

Christian “midi” Music Files

Classic Hymns


Christian MP3 Music Files To Play Online Or Download

Music Video: Inspirational Song By Fernando Ortega


Christian Music Online

old vintage christian song book hymnal

Christian Hymnals Online


Featured Gospel Message

Christ Died For The Ungodly

by Horatius Bonar

The divine testimony concerning man is, that he is a sinner. God bears witness against him, not for him; and testifies that "there is none righteous, no, not one"; that there is "none that doeth good"; none "that understandeth"; none that even seeks after God, and, still more, none that loves Him (Psa. 14:1-3; Rom. 3:10-12). God speaks of man kindly, but severely; as one yearning over a lost child, yet as one who will make no terms with sin, and will "by no means clear the guilty." <continued>