TV – In The Christian’s Home?
Television! Should It Have A Place In The Christian’s Home?
by Paul Wilson
We feel constrained to examine the subject of television in the home, especially as it affects the Christian. With this latest giant of the entertainment world growing rapidly, and with the appeals to Christians to open their homes to this masterpiece of human invention increasing, it seems that the question should be faced squarely.
A question once put to King Hezekiah by the prophet… Continue reading
Television And The Christian Home
Television and the Christian Home
by J. Kerr Duff (1899-1983)
There are many perils which threaten the spiritual well-being of the believer in these last closing days. Some of these dangers are apparent and can be easily discerned, while others are like sunken rocks which cannot be readily seen, but are for that very cause all the more dangerous. Such a menace to the Christian is to be found in television (TV) which Satan exploits for the accomplishment… Continue reading
Do Christianity & Survivalism Mix?
Do Christianity & Survivalism Mix?
With all the chaos and crime in our society and all the signs of the collapse of our economy and the decline of our civilization, many people today, including Christians, are very much concerned about the welfare of themselves and their families. And so, in response to the great instability in our world, Christians and non-Christians alike, are advocating survivalism, meaning, preparing for the worst: a total collapse of society. Usually the… Continue reading