Jewish Discovery Of A Lifetime
Jewish Discovery Of A Lifetime
I am a Jew and I know how you will observe the Passover. You will put away all leaven from your houses; you will eat matzoth and roasted lamb. You will attend the synagogue, and carry out the Talmudic ritual. You will do everything but what Jehovah required first of all. |
Jehovah did not say, “When I see the leaven put away, or when I see you eat the matzoth, or the lamb, or… Continue reading
Christ in the Passover
Christ in the Passover
Passover lamb (see Exodus 12:3-5)…
- Note “your lamb” in verse 5… each redeemed soul must appropriate the lamb for himself.
- Note “the whole congregation” must kill it at twilight in verse 6… (see Matthew 26:47 and Luke 22:53)
Passover is also known as Feast of Unleavened Bread (see Exodus 12:8) when the 2 feasts are celebrated together where Passover was the first day of the feast and the next 7 days… Continue reading
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