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John Sudlow’s Testimony

John Sudlow’s Testimony

(Died in childhood in 1665, exact age unknown)


John Sudlow was born of religious parents, in the county of Middlesex in England. They were careful to instill spiritual principles into him as soon as he was capable of understanding them. Those endeavors the Lord blessed with success. When he was scarce able to speak plain, he seemed to have a very great awe and reverence of God upon his spirit, and a strange sense of the… Continue reading

Featured Gospel Message

Christ Died For The Ungodly

by Horatius Bonar

The divine testimony concerning man is, that he is a sinner. God bears witness against him, not for him; and testifies that "there is none righteous, no, not one"; that there is "none that doeth good"; none "that understandeth"; none that even seeks after God, and, still more, none that loves Him (Psa. 14:1-3; Rom. 3:10-12). God speaks of man kindly, but severely; as one yearning over a lost child, yet as one who will make no terms with sin, and will "by no means clear the guilty." <continued>