Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental Meditation – A Christian Perspective
- What is transcendental meditation (TM)?
- Definition of transcendental meditation terms
- What is yoga as compared to TM?
- What is the significance of the ‘lotus’ position?
- What kind of meditation is TM?
- What kind of meditation does the Bible recommend?
- Is TM a bad thing and should Christians avoid it?
- How should a Christian cope with stress?
- References
What is transcendental meditation (TM)?
TM is often referred to in our… Continue reading
What The Bible Says About Tithing
What The Bible Says About Tithing
For The New Testament Church
Some altered Old Testament laws and practices
Some laws and practices mentioned in the Old testament have been altered in the New Testament. They include:
- Tithing (giving a tenth of your earnings to the levitical priests in the Jewish temple)
- Sabbath worship (gathering to worship on Saturday, with strict penalties for anyone doing any kind of physical labor on that day)
Why is tithing no… Continue reading
An Imaginary Place Called Purgatory
An Imaginary Place Called Purgatory
Millions of sincere Catholics have been taught to believe in an imaginary place called Purgatory…
Yes, millions of Catholics believe in some non-existant place after death, a place their church calls Purgatory.
Are YOU one of them?
“Who am I to make such a bold claim?” you may ask, to say that so many people believe in a make-believe place – a “land of make believe”. I am someone who does his… Continue reading
Accepting Christ
“Accepting Christ”
by I. C. Herendeen
In an effort to get sinners saved we often hear them exhorted to “accept Christ as their personal Saviour” as though those who are slaves of Satan and captives of the Devil could do so and be saved if they did so. But this is utterly foreign to Holy Scripture; there is no foundation in Holy Writ for it. It presents a false way of salvation, and therefore should be discarded along with other… Continue reading
Should Christians Teach In Public Schools
Let Go Of The Rope
(Should Christians Teach In Public Schools)
I recently read a column in which the author suggests that even though public education is “over the edge” of a cliff, Christians are “holding the rope from which the system dangles.” He suggests letting go of the rope by removing our children from the government schools. Why should Christians prop up an anti-Christian institution by their participation? Let it die its well-deserved death.
This prompts the… Continue reading