Brother Kane
Memorized Catholic Talking Points And Favorite Claims
Memorized Catholic Talking Points And Favorite Claims
Here we go folks… a list of all the standard talking points and “come backs” that Catholics are trained to use in reply to anyone trying to point out false Catholic doctrine to them.
- We’re the one true Church.
- We gave you the Bible.
- Martin Luther removed books from the Bible.
- Jesus founded the Catholic Church.
- Which of the 40,000, Protestant denominations is correct?
- Martin Luther started your religion.
- I am saved, I… Continue reading
Bad foods, unhealthy food products and dangerous health-care products
Bad foods, unhealthy food products and dangerous health-care products
Here is a list of articles about unhealthy foods and food products and unsafe and even harmful health care products. These are things that should be avoided because of their harmful effects on our health.
Unsafe artificial sweeteners:
Are ANY Vaccines Safe And Effective Any More?
Are ANY Vaccines Safe And Effective Any More?
What’s so bad about vaccines?
Vaccines contain things that are harmful to our health or that are poorly tested for safety:
- Vaccines contain dangerous additives (called adjuvants).
- Vaccines contain mRNA materials with unknown long term side effects.
- Vaccines contain additives like mercury compounds and aluminum compounds that can have negative effects on the human brain.
- Vaccines contain aborted fetal tissue which many people are unaware of and who… Continue reading
Catholicism Contrasted With The Bible
Catholicism Contrasted With The Bible
Many Catholics don’t realize how different their church teachings are compared to the teachings found in the New Testament. This article identifies some of those differences. They are very significant differences that reveal how Catholicism differs from true biblical Christianity.
Kinds of Christians according to the Bible:
– elders/bishops (1 Timothy 3:2)
– deacons (1 Timothy 3:8)
– ordinary brothers & sisters in Christ (referred to as saints – Romans 12:13, Romans… Continue reading
You Have To Earn A Hearing
You Have To Earn A Hearing
This short message is about the idea in many Christian circles that you “have to earn a hearing” with a person or group of persons before you can share the soul-saving Gospel of Jesus Christ with them.
There are some very important questions a Christian needs to know the answers to if they are going to subscribe to this “earn a hearing” philosophy, such as I am listing here:
- How do you know… Continue reading