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Advice For Unwed Mothers
Advice For Unwed Mothers
We’ve listed a series of articles that should be helpful and informative for unwed mothers and their families and friends.
- I just found out I’m pregnant and I’m not married. What should I do?
- How should Christian parents handle a teen daughter who has become pregnant?
- What I want you to know: pregnant out of wedlock
- Families Should Deal Responsibly with a Pregnancy out of Wedlock (near end of this long article)
- God’s Will For… Continue reading
The Law – A Much Needed Tool for Evangelism
The Law – A Much Needed Tool for Evangelism
By William Hatfield
Most believers want that old time-religion, that first-century faith that shook the Roman Empire to its very foundations. It’s good enough for us! We want to be like that vibrant early church. We want to see our world turned upside down with the Gospel of Christ.
Sadly, although we long for that old-time religion, we seriously deviate from that old-time evangelism. For decades we have omitted… Continue reading
Arminianism: The Golden Idol of Freewill
Arminianism: The Golden Idol of Freewill
by Augustus Toplady (1740-1778)
“Not unto us, 0 LORD, not unto us, but unto Thy Name, give glory for Thy mercy, and for Thy truth’s sake” [Psalm 115:1]
Some expositors have supposed, that this Psalm was penned by the prophet Daniel; on occasion of the miraculous deliverance of Shadrac, Meshac, and Abednego, when they came out, unhurt, from the burning fiery furnace, into which they had been thrown by the command… Continue reading
About The Bible
About The Bible
Information about Bible versions, Bible interpretation, Bible study principles and Bible study tools.

Bible Versions
Information about Bible versions.
Bible Interpretation
Principles of Bible study and interpretation.
Bible Study Tools
Tools and advice about studying the scriptures.
HTML King James Version Bible
Searchable, book-by-book and chapter-by-chapter on-line KJV bible text.