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12 Time-Wasting Thieves

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Twelve Time-Wasting Thieves

By Richard Baxter



“Redeeming the time.” Colossians 4:5


“That you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way.” Colossians 1:10

Thief 1. One of the greatest time-wasting sins, consists of idleness or sloth.
Thief 2. The next thief or time-waster, is excess of sleep.
Thief 3. Another time-waster, is an inordinate adorning of the body.
Thief 4. Another time-wasting thief, is unnecessary pomp and extravagance in household furniture and domestic entertainments.
Thief 5. Another time-wasting sin, is needless feastingsgluttony, and drinking.
Thief 6. Another time-waster, is idle talk.
Thief 7. Another thief which would steal your time, is vain and sinful company.
Thief 8. Another notorious time-wasting thief, is needless, inordinate sports and games — which are masked with the deceitful title of recreations.
Thief 9. Another time-wasting thief, is excess of worldly cares and business.
Thief 10. Another time-waster, is vain, ungoverned and sinful thoughts.
Thief 11. Another dangerous time-wasting sin, is the reading of worthless books, plays, romances, and novels. And also unprofitable studies, undertaken but for pride and vain-glory, or the pleasing of a carnal or curious mind.
Thief 12. But the master-thief that robs men of their time, is an unsanctified, ungodly heart; for this loses time, whatever men are doing — because they never intend to do anything for the glory of God.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do — do it all for the glory of God!” 1 Corinthians 10:31



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