About Catholicism
Information about Catholicism, including their incorrect views on salvation and their unbiblical teachings and erroneous practices.
Pedophile Popes And Other Catholic Clergy Perverts
Pedophile Popes And Other Catholic Clergy Perverts
Please note: I did not capitalize the word “pope” in this article to express my distain for that religious office and the scumbags and perverts who have occupied it in the past and who currently occupy it. If I had known the truth about those folks, I would have left the Catholic Church long before the Good Lord saved me by His grace. Anyone who remains in that “Church”, or rather… Continue reading
What Roman Catholics Find When They Study Their Own Bible
What Roman Catholics Find When They Study Their Own Bible
When we say “their” Bible, we have reference to the Roman Catholic New American Bible published by Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington D.C. with the encouragement of Archbishop Cicognani, Delegate to the United States.
Roman Catholics are taught many things. They are often told about the contents of their Bible. If they would study it for themselves, they would find that their Bible encourages investigation and reading.
… Continue reading
Scriptural Truths for Roman Catholics
Scriptural Truths for Roman Catholics
And A List Of Catholic Church Inventions By Date
Bartholomew F. Brewer, Ph.D.
Former Roman Catholic Priest
**All Scripture quotations and references found below are taken from the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation of the Catholic New Testament and the Douay Version of the Old Testament**
Roman Catholic Inventions Timeline
1. | Presbyters first called priests by Lucian | 2nd c. |
2. | Sacerdotal mass instituted by Cyprian | 3rd c. |
3. | Prayers for the dead | A.D.… Continue reading |
The Testimony Of Charlotte Wells
The Testimony Of Former Catholic Nun Charlotte Wells
(This is a pseudonym. Sister Charlotte never gave her real name in public.)
VIDEO Version Of The Testimony Of Former Catholic Nun Charlotte Wells
TEXT Version Of The Testimony Of Former Catholic Nun Charlotte Wells
The testimony of Sister Charlotte is disturbing and shocking, but provides important insights into the worst of convent life as well as the dynamics of Romanism. It testifies with others such as “Maria… Continue reading
Roman Catholicism In The Light Of Their Own Scriptures
Roman Catholicism In The Light Of Their Own Scriptures And Authorities
This book was written in 1915 and copyrighted in 1917 by H.M. Riggle.
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