About Catholicism
Information about Catholicism, including their incorrect views on salvation and their unbiblical teachings and erroneous practices.
Do The Orthodox Churches Believe And Teach Transubstantiation?
Do The Orthodox Churches Believe And Teach Transubstantiation?
Eastern Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Byzantine, etc.
What we are doing here is showing you that the Orthodox Churches have a confusing – or at least an inconsistent or poorly defined – view of Transubstantiation. Never-the-less, they do tend to have views about it that are very similar to the Catholic view. And like the Catholic Church, they play “word games” to add a sense of mystery to their invented… Continue reading
To The Catholic Church Christ Is Never Enough
To The Catholic Church Christ Is Never Enough
To the Catholic Church, the Lord Jesus Christ is never quite enough, so they add things that they think are still needed in addition to Jesus and His roles and accomplishments:
● a Pope to His headship
● a Eucharist to His sacrifice
● Mary to His role as sinless intercessor
● priests to His High Priestly office
● a purgatory to His purifying blood
The problem with the Catholic… Continue reading
Is A Catholic Christian An Oxymoron?
Is A Catholic Christian An Oxymoron?
Webster’s dictionary defines an oxymoron as “a combination of contradictory words,” such as jumbo shrimp, tight slacks and pretty ugly. Would you put “Catholic Christian” into this category? Some would say “no”, because they believe Roman Catholicism is a Christian denomination. Others, who know that the official teachings of the Catholic Church contradict the essentials of the Gospel would say “yes.” We propose that a Catholic Christian is indeed an oxymoron for… Continue reading
Trying To Find Catholic Doctrine In The Bible
Trying To Find Catholic Doctrine In The Bible
Catholics love to point the finger at Protestants and say: “You can’t agree on the very basic dogmas of the faith: once saved always saved, the rapture, baptism, etc.”.
This statement in itself is in error, because these are certainly not the “very basic dogmas of our faith”. All Protestants do agree on salvation being by faith in Christ alone. All Protestants agree on the authority of Scripture. That makes us… Continue reading
The True Church Versus The False Church Of Catholicism
The True Church Versus The False Church Of Catholicism
“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” John 17:17
The TRUE Church of biblical Christianity is to obey, preserve, defend and protect the truth (the word of God), the Church doesn’t arbitrate it! The Bible determines what is true and acceptable, the Church must submit to and be sanctified by this truth. God would never give men the responsibility of setting the standard of truth because only… Continue reading