About Catholicism
Information about Catholicism, including their incorrect views on salvation and their unbiblical teachings and erroneous practices.
Where Does The Bible Tell Us To Praise Mary?
Where Does The Bible Tell Us To Praise Mary?
We are going to look at the Bible for the answer to this question about praising the Mary of the Bible who gave birth to the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Are there any Bible verses in the OLD Testament praising Mary or “the queen of heaven” or the “mother of God”? No.
- Are there any Bible verses in the NEW Testament praising Mary or “the queen of heaven” or… Continue reading
Pagan Practices, Customs And Roots Of The Catholic Church
Pagan Practices, Customs And Roots Of The Catholic Church
This article is primarily a list of materials on the Internet that explain the pagan origins of many practices and teachings in Roman Catholicism and its Orthodox off-shoots. The Catholic Church typically responds to information like this with statements like “We get our customs from sacred tradition”, ignoring very real evidence in secular history, including many pagan drawings, writings, statues and other pagan artifacts.
Catholicism Versus God’s Word Regarding Idolatry
Catholicism Versus God’s Word Regarding Idolatry
Especially Regarding Mary
It is not difficult to discern idolatry, if you’re not blind to it. Catholicism has errored by adopting church fathers idolatrous teachings, and passing them off as true doctrine to their faithful when they are actually against God.
Look at The Glories of Mary” written by one of the most esteemed Doctors of the Catholic Church, and you will see the very roots of mariology in all its idolatrous… Continue reading
Memorized Catholic Talking Points And Favorite Claims
Memorized Catholic Talking Points And Favorite Claims
Here we go folks… a list of all the standard talking points and “come backs” that Catholics are trained to use in reply to anyone trying to point out false Catholic doctrine to them.
- We’re the one true Church.
- We gave you the Bible.
- Martin Luther removed books from the Bible.
- Jesus founded the Catholic Church.
- Which of the 40,000, Protestant denominations is correct?
- Martin Luther started your religion.
- I am saved, I… Continue reading
Catholicism Contrasted With The Bible
Catholicism Contrasted With The Bible
Many Catholics don’t realize how different their church teachings are compared to the teachings found in the New Testament. This article identifies some of those differences. They are very significant differences that reveal how Catholicism differs from true biblical Christianity.
Kinds of Christians according to the Bible:
– elders/bishops (1 Timothy 3:2)
– deacons (1 Timothy 3:8)
– ordinary brothers & sisters in Christ (referred to as saints – Romans 12:13, Romans… Continue reading