About Catholicism
Information about Catholicism, including their incorrect views on salvation and their unbiblical teachings and erroneous practices.
Catholicism Contrasted With The Bible
Catholicism Contrasted With The Bible
Many Catholics don’t realize how different their church teachings are compared to the teachings found in the New Testament. This article identifies some of those differences. They are very significant differences that reveal how Catholicism differs from true biblical Christianity.
Kinds of Christians according to the Bible:
– elders/bishops (1 Timothy 3:2)
– deacons (1 Timothy 3:8)
– ordinary brothers & sisters in Christ (referred to as saints – Romans 12:13, Romans… Continue reading
Is The Roman Catholic Church The Great Whore Of Revelation 17
Is The Roman Catholic Church The Great Whore Of Revelation Chapter 17?
Is there any doubt, based on history and based on their religious practices and based upon this passage in Revelation 17, that the Great Whore spoken of here is the Vatican and the Catholic religion? Well, let’s take a quick look…
17:1 “And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew… Continue reading
A Conversation Between A True Bible-Believing Christian And A Heavily Indoctrinated Roman Catholic
A Conversation Between A True Bible-Believing Christian And A Heavily Indoctrinated Roman Catholic
This dialog is a composite of many actual conversations that I, as a bible-believing Christian, have had with Catholics in Facebook discussion forums. Very often, Catholics will reply with some very harsh statements and crude language. What I have included here omits the truly nasty comments I have received. I must admit that not every professing Christian in these forums is kind-hearted in their comments to Catholics.… Continue reading
What’s Wrong With Unmarried Celibate Catholic Priests
What’s Wrong With Unmarried Celibate Catholic Priests?
Some food for thought about local church leadership for Catholics and non-Catholics alike
So WHAT is wrong with (or unbiblical about) the Catholic Church policy of having unmarried church leaders? Why do Catholic priests not meet some of the most important biblical criteria for church leaders? Well we need to start this study by looking at what the BIBLICAL criteria for church leadership includes:
“This is a true saying, if a man… Continue reading
Horrific Stories Of Sex Abuse And Child Trafficking In The Roman Catholic Church
Horrific Stories Of Sex Abuse And Child Abuse In The Roman Catholic Church
This article contains many lists of news articles describing the never-ending cases of sex abuse, sodomy, rape, child abuse and even child trafficking in the Catholic Church, that is so prevalent among Catholic clergy. Their leaders from the Pope on down, work tirelessly to HIDE these stories from the public by “paying off” victims and victim’s families. They then work equally hard at protecting the… Continue reading