Religious Trivia
Religious Trivia
1. What is the “Cult Of Mary”?
- Another name for the Roman Catholic church.
- People who relate to Jesus’ mother Mary as if she was a goddess called the Queen of heaven.
- People who believe Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene.
- Both A and B above.
2. What religious group worships the moon god unknowingly?
- Moonies.
- Muslims.
- Lunarites.
3. What religion’s followers are sometimes referred to as Russellites after their founder Charles Taze Russell?
- Jehovah’s… Continue reading
Social & Political Trivia
Social & Political Trivia
1. What are most vaccines made from?
- chicken eggs.
- caterpillars.
- aborted babies.
2. What genetic material is better suited for treating Parkinson’s disease?
- fetal stem cells?
- adult stem cells?
3. How many babies (as of 2022) have been aborted in the United States since 1973 (the year of the Roe Vs. Wade Supreme Court ruling)?
- 1 million.
- 25 million.
- 42 million.
- 63 million.
4. Of the following 10 steps involved… Continue reading
What’s Wrong With The Church Of Our Day And Age?
What’s Wrong With The Church Of Our Day And Age?
What’s the problem with the Church? Lack of education. Did you expect that answer?
Home schooling – primarily biblically-based Christian home schooling – is probably the only cure for the decay of our society coupled with biblically-based home churches and sacrificial efforts at evangelism, evangelism that is rooted in Scripture, that challenges the unsaved with the Law of God, a measuring rod that shows that none of us measure… Continue reading
Signs Of The Times
Signs Of The Times
I watch with sadness as more and more of the Bible’s predictions of the end times are coming to fruition. One major sign is this: The world is becoming more and more spiritually blind, while believing they are becoming more and more enlightened. Other signs include “gay marriage”, widespread abortion, rampant sexual immorality and STDs, overuse of psychotropic drugs to treat any perceived bad feelings, broken homes and broken marriages, profanity and vulgarity becoming an integral… Continue reading
End Times: Twenty-Five Characteristics of Man in the Last Days
End Times: Twenty-Five Characteristics of Man in the Last Days
by Marybeth Haydon
- Men will be lovers of their own selves – 2 Timothy 3:2
- Men will be covetous – 2 Timothy 3:2
- Mean will be boasters – 2 Timothy 3:2
- Men will be proud – 2 Timothy 3:2
- Men will be blasphemers – 2 Timothy 3:2
- Men will be disobedient to their parents – 2 Timothy 3:2
- Men will be unthankful – 2 Timothy 3:2
- Men will be unholy… Continue reading