How To Help People Out Without Getting Scammed
How To Help People Out Without Getting Scammed
This information applies to people on the Internet and those you meet in person.
Online (Internet) requests:
- NEVER give anyone money ONLINE, except if it is a trusted charity like Care Net or Compassion International OR or a respectable ministry like Heartcry Missionary Society.
- ALWAYS assume that random people on Facebook (or other social media websites) are scammers and liars who make a living scamming caring people like you,… Continue reading
How They Are Going To Thin The Herd
The “Great Reset”
The Globalist Plan To Thin The Herd
The people who control our world are very evil people, more evil than the average person can even comprehend. A few of the more infamous globalist are known to the public, like Bill Gates, George Soros, the Rockefellers and the Rothchilds. But many are less well known, yet are very powerful and very wealthy and very influential. From their perspective, there are far too many people on earth for… Continue reading
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A Catholic’s Prayer Of Repentance
A Catholic’s Prayer Of Repentance
Or: How A Catholic Would Pray If They Truly Were Convicted By God Of Their Sin
Dear Lord Jesus,
Please forgive me for praying to Mary instead of to you, the only true mediator between God and man (1Timothy 2:5). Forgive me for being so focused on Mary instead of on you. Forgive me for all the “Hail Marys” I recited when I should have been giving praise, honor and devotion to you ALONE.… Continue reading
How I Know I Am Saved
How I Know I Am Saved
Or: How I Know That I Am One Of God’s Elect
A Short Analogy About The Experience Of The “New Birth”
I posted this message on a discussion forum on Facebook recently and felt it might be of interest to others who are inquiring into the subject being “born again” by way of of salvation through the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
This is how I know I am one… Continue reading