When Diversity Is Good And When Diversity Is Bad
When Diversity Is Good And When Diversity Is Bad
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20
Some many groups and individuals are promoting, proclaiming and demanding diversity nowadays. And the general assumption is that that is a good thing. But is it really? When is diversity a good thing and when is it not?
Good… Continue reading
A Blueprint For The New World Order
A Blueprint For The New World Order
Also Known As "The Secret Covenant"
Also Known As "John D. Rockefeller Masonic Creed"
This text first appeared on the internet after an anonymous person sent an email to the website in 2002. While was largely a financial commentary website, this outlet also hosted a number of conspiratorial writings sent to them by readers. At the time, this text was not attributed to Rockefeller or any other author, as… Continue reading
How To Be A Fruit Inspector – Examining Fruits Of Salvation
How To Be A Fruit Inspector:
How To Examine The Fruits Of True Biblical Christian Salvation
(things to look for in your life and the life of other professing Christians)
We are briefly going to look at how to examine yourself and other professing Christians for fruits of salvation. In the short term, it is far easier to examine the fruits of individuals rather than a some kind of a revival or religious movement. In that regard, a professing Christian… Continue reading
Money Management Tips In A Nutshell
Money Management Tips In A Nutshell
A list of some very practical money management tips
Here are some practical, time-proven, money-management tips to consider if you find yourself acquiring more and more debt as time goes on:
1. Avoid credit cards. Credit cards are only a good idea for people who know they can pay off the balance each month. If you do have a credit card, you will most likely get a much better (lower) interest rate… Continue reading
Is God A Sugar Daddy?
Is God A Sugar Daddy?
Many people tend to focus on a very imbalanced view of God. They only seem to focus on His love, but never His wrath or His Hatred of sin or His hatred of the wicked. Yet, God is not only a god of love, but a god of absolute holiness who hates things – sinful things – as noted here:
“The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou HATEST all workers of… Continue reading