Predestination & Free Will
What the bible says about being chosen by God for salvation versus you choosing God.
A Word On Personal Evangelism And Soul Winning
A Word On Personal Evangelism And Soul Winning
by Michael Jeshurun
I had the priceless privilege of preaching the Gospel this evening to a young Mohammedan who is a sinner like the rest of us. I do not preach the Gospel to EVERYONE I run into like I used to do when I was a young convert. When I was newly saved man I was so ‘on-fire’ that I would preach to the cab driver, the bell boy,… Continue reading
Robert Morey Videos On Calvinism And Arminianism
Robert Morey Videos On Calvinism & Arminianism
In the following series of short but concise videos, Robert Morey of the ministry “Faith Defenders” examines the Bible and explains the various Biblical misunderstandings and wrong teachings surrounding the doctrines of grace, election, predestination, Calvinism, Arminianism, eternal security, God’s sovereignty and related subjects. More videos by Robert Morey can be found at his youtube channel: Faith Defenders.
Video: Calvinism Part 1
Video: Calvinism Part 2
Jerry Johnson Videos On Election & Predestination
Jerry Johnson Videos On Election, Predestination, Calvinism & Arminianism, Free-Will
In the following series of short but concise videos, Jerry Johnson examines the Bible and explains the various Biblical misunderstandings and wrong teachings surrounding the doctrines of grace, election, predestination, Calvinism, Arminianism, Pelagianism, Semi-pelagianism and related subjects. More videos by Jerry Johnson can be found at his youtube channel: NiceneCouncilcom. However, Jerry’s website “” no longer exists.
Video: Arminianism And Works Salvation
Video: Does Man Have… Continue reading
The Lamb Of God And Me
The Lamb Of God And Me
The “Just” dying for the unjust was not an invitation,
But a transaction written in blood before the world’s foundation,
It was not an offer, it was a purchase, an undeniable done deal,
His precious crimson blood on my behalf was the guaranteed seal.
So the purchase of my salvation could not ever, ever fail.
Else God’s hopes would have been of absolutely no avail…
If God had hoped my heart of… Continue reading
Does Faith Precede Regeneration
Does Faith Precede Regeneration In Salvation?
Saying that faith precedes regeneration – as many professing Christians believe – is like saying birth precedes conception. In contrast, regeneration prior to faith is not only a possibility, it is a necessity, although a case could be made for faith being simultaneous with regeneration, since it is regeneration that brings with it true faith (a gift from God – Ephesians 2:8), along with true repentance (also a gift from God – Acts 11:18).… Continue reading