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The Lamb Of God And Me

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The Lamb Of God And Me


The “Just” dying for the unjust was not an invitation,
But a transaction written in blood before the world’s foundation,
It was not an offer, it was a purchase, an undeniable done deal,
His precious crimson blood on my behalf was the guaranteed seal.


So the purchase of my salvation could not ever, ever fail.
Else God’s hopes would have been of absolutely no avail…
If God had hoped my heart of stone would choose His only Son,
Then credit for my salvation could go to something I had done.


But instead, the Lord on High made me willing in the day of his power,
And so a better understanding of God’s sovereignty is the need of the hour.
If it had not been the Lord of Glory who had opened Lydia’s heart,
Then God’s desire to save her would have failed from the very start.


The Bible even says that there are none that seeketh God,
Yet many preachers today look at election as something odd.
However, scripture clearly says that it is God who does the choosing,
So preaching otherwise, is just the carnal mind’s prideful musing.


Our Savior His own self has stated, “I have chosen you”.
What this simply means is that there’s NOTHING you can do.
You are completely at God’s mercy, though you might not like that thought.
So you best be very thankful for His mercy if its YOU His blood has bought.


If God’s mercy upon us was something we could deny or accept,
Then that would put us in the driver’s seat for what was a great debt.
To say on the one hand that “God saved a wretch like me”,
Then to say I chose Him in my lostness, is just false humility.


When the Savior cried, “It is Finished”, his work on my behalf was through.
He did not leave off a sentence like “and now the rest is up to you”.
I don’t deny God sends his preachers and His Spirit to convict and to convert.
But we dare not say it hinges on the sinner, lest God’s word we should pervert.


So if you don’t like this message then your problem’s not with me.
Its between the “Author and Finisher” – the Word of God – and thee!

— R.M. Kane


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