Inspirational Materials
Inspirational poems, inspiring messages, encouraging quotes, uplifting Bible verses.
Take Courage
Take Courage
By Elo Bowman
When the tempest rages round me
In a wild and stormy land,
And it seems I’m all forsaken,
Oft I barely yet can stand.
When the folks I counted loyal
Falter back and leave me lone,
Then I struggle feebly onward,
Though the storm more fierce has grown,
Oh, I must, I must remember,
We are mortals every one,
And perhaps they took for-granted
That I would not feel alone.
Or… Continue reading
His Matchless Love
His Matchless Love
by Helen Steiner Rice
God’s love is like an island
In life’s ocean vast and wide,
A peaceful, quiet shelter
From the restless, rising tide,
God’s love is like anchor
When the angry billows roll,
A mooring in the storms of life,
A stronghold for the soul,
God’s love is like a fortress
And we seek protection there,
When the waves of tribulation
Seem to drown us in despair,
God’s love is like… Continue reading
Death And Hope
Death And Hope
By Elo Bowman
(In memory of Edward Martin
and Loreen Weber July, 2007)
As spring has turned to summertide
We mark the year’s relentless stride.
The good Lord took that which he gave. . .
A blooming life, and then. . . the grave.
The year was marked by tears and pain
And yet our loss has been their gain.
Our God alone knows reasons why;
It was His will, yet still we cry.
How often do I think of God? -- Make that all day long! Truth be told, can't get Him out of my mind -- He's the One to Whom I belong. In every moment, and every situation -- Even when I'm doing wrong -- There's no escape from Him -- So I might as well go along.
Can't stop myself thinking about Him -- How Holy He holy I ain't! Meditating on the Lord is not always easy… Continue reading