Audio messages, video messages, printed messages about protestantism, the Bible, and God’s plan of salvation.
Does Faith Precede Regeneration
Does Faith Precede Regeneration In Salvation?
Saying that faith precedes regeneration – as many professing Christians believe – is like saying birth precedes conception. In contrast, regeneration prior to faith is not only a possibility, it is a necessity, although a case could be made for faith being simultaneous with regeneration, since it is regeneration that brings with it true faith (a gift from God – Ephesians 2:8), along with true repentance (also a gift from God – Acts 11:18).… Continue reading
Jehovahs Witnesses New World Translation Bible Changes
Jehovahs Witnesses New World Translation Bible Changes
This short article shows how the Jehovahs Witness Watchtower Society has purposely edited their own Bible to get it to agree with their false teaching regarding the Lord Jesus Christ. Since the Witnesses deny the godhood (deity) of the Lord Jesus Christ, they ran into a problem with their 1961 edition of their Bible because it mentioned in Hebrews 1:6 that angels worship Jesus. Since only God is to be worshipped, and… Continue reading
Evolution: Pretend-Science For The Willfully Ignorant
Evolution: Pretend-Science For The Willfully Ignorant
In the beginning Nothing created the heaven and the earth. And the Nothing found something and that something inexplicably exploded into lots of other somethings. And those lots of somethings arranged themselves into the glorious, exceedingly complex, orderly universe we see around us. We have yet to even scratch the surface regarding our understanding of the workings of the living creatures that somehow came from that supposed original explosion. We continually borrow ideas… Continue reading
Old Paths – Chapter 18 – Election
Old Paths – Chapter 18 – Election
By J.C. Ryle
“Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God” – 1 Thessalonians 1:4
“Give diligence to make your calling and election sure” – 2 Peter 1:10
The texts which head this page contain a word of peculiar interest. It is a word which is often in men’s minds, and on men’s tongues, from one end of Great Britain to the other. That word is “Election”.
Election in… Continue reading
Take Courage
Take Courage
By Elo Bowman
When the tempest rages round me
In a wild and stormy land,
And it seems I’m all forsaken,
Oft I barely yet can stand.
When the folks I counted loyal
Falter back and leave me lone,
Then I struggle feebly onward,
Though the storm more fierce has grown,
Oh, I must, I must remember,
We are mortals every one,
And perhaps they took for-granted
That I would not feel alone.
Or… Continue reading