A Worldwide Internet Christian Discipleship Ministry


Audio messages, video messages, printed messages about protestantism, the Bible, and God’s plan of salvation.

The Free Will Gospel Refuted By John 3:16

The Free Will Gospel Refuted By John 3:16

Jesus Christ only died for those who believe on him

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” – John 3:16

So many Arminian and other free-will preachers use John 3:16 to make a case against Calvinism and for Arminianism. In particular, they make a case that Jesus died for EVERYONE – everyone alive and everyone who ever lived. Yet they don’t realize that… Continue reading

Universal Atonement Doctrine Dishonors God

Universal Atonement Doctrine Dishonors God

by John Gill – “Body of Divinity, Book 6, Chapter 3”

The first set of arguments shall be taken from hence, that universal redemption reflects highly on the perfections of God; and what is contrary to the divine perfections, cannot be true; for God cannot deny himself, nor do anything contrary to his nature and attributes.
1. The universal scheme greatly reflects on the love of God to men: it may, at first… Continue reading

The Sovereignty Of God In Reprobation

The Sovereignty Of God In Reprobation

by Arthur W. Pink


“Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God” [Romans 11:22]

In the last chapter when treating of the Sovereignty of God the Father in Salvation, we examined seven passages which represent Him as making a choice from among the children of men, and predestinating certain ones to be conformed to the image of His Son. The thoughtful reader will naturally ask, And what of those who were not… Continue reading

Why They Leave Us

Why They Leave Us


A Sermon (1892) Delivered On Lord’s Day Morning, March 21st, 1886

By Charles H Spurgeon

At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, London, England

Suggested by the death of Charles Stanford, D.D.,

Minister of Denmark Place Chapel, London, England


“Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.”… Continue reading

God Loves Everybody. He Even Loved Hitler!

God Loves Everybody… He Even Loved Hitler!

Does God Love Everybody Even Adolph Hitler

Ben Chwarmer: Pastor Joe says God loves everybody and that He even loved the satanic genicidal maniac Adolph Hitler! God would have saved Hitler if he would have accepted Jesus before he died, and maybe he actually did that.
Bible Believer: But how does your pastor know who God loves?
Ben Chwarmer: Well God loves everybody doesn’t He?
Bible Believer: In Psalms 5:5 and Psalms 11:5 the Bible says… Continue reading

Featured Gospel Message

Christ Died For The Ungodly

by Horatius Bonar

The divine testimony concerning man is, that he is a sinner. God bears witness against him, not for him; and testifies that "there is none righteous, no, not one"; that there is "none that doeth good"; none "that understandeth"; none that even seeks after God, and, still more, none that loves Him (Psa. 14:1-3; Rom. 3:10-12). God speaks of man kindly, but severely; as one yearning over a lost child, yet as one who will make no terms with sin, and will "by no means clear the guilty." <continued>