A Worldwide Internet Christian Discipleship Ministry


Audio messages, video messages, printed messages about protestantism, the Bible, and God’s plan of salvation.

The Mystery Of Salvation By God’s Grace Alone

The Mystery Of Salvation By God’s Grace Alone


What makes one sinner come to Christ and another flee from Him? Is there some goodness in one sinner but not the other? Or is it all the grace and mercy of God?

1 Corinthians 4:7 – For who maketh thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received… Continue reading

Advice For Unwed Mothers

Advice For Unwed Mothers

We’ve listed a series of articles that should be helpful and informative for unwed mothers and their families and friends.

The Law – A Much Needed Tool for Evangelism

The Law – A Much Needed Tool for Evangelism

By William Hatfield

Most believers want that old time-religion, that first-century faith that shook the Roman Empire to its very foundations. It’s good enough for us! We want to be like that vibrant early church. We want to see our world turned upside down with the Gospel of Christ.
Sadly, although we long for that old-time religion, we seriously deviate from that old-time evangelism. For decades we have omitted… Continue reading

12 Time-Wasting Thieves

Twelve Time-Wasting Thieves

By Richard Baxter



“Redeeming the time.” Colossians 4:5


“That you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way.” Colossians 1:10

Thief 1. One of the greatest time-wasting sins, consists of idleness or sloth.
Thief 2. The next thief or time-waster, is excess of sleep.
Thief 3. Another time-waster, is an inordinate adorning of… Continue reading

Arminianism: The Golden Idol of Freewill

Arminianism: The Golden Idol of Freewill

by Augustus Toplady (1740-1778)


“Not unto us, 0 LORD, not unto us, but unto Thy Name, give glory for Thy mercy, and for Thy truth’s sake” [Psalm 115:1]


Some expositors have supposed, that this Psalm was penned by the prophet Daniel; on occasion of the miraculous deliverance of Shadrac, Meshac, and Abednego, when they came out, unhurt, from the burning fiery furnace, into which they had been thrown by the command… Continue reading

Featured Gospel Message

Christ Died For The Ungodly

by Horatius Bonar

The divine testimony concerning man is, that he is a sinner. God bears witness against him, not for him; and testifies that "there is none righteous, no, not one"; that there is "none that doeth good"; none "that understandeth"; none that even seeks after God, and, still more, none that loves Him (Psa. 14:1-3; Rom. 3:10-12). God speaks of man kindly, but severely; as one yearning over a lost child, yet as one who will make no terms with sin, and will "by no means clear the guilty." <continued>