Audio messages, video messages, printed messages about protestantism, the Bible, and God’s plan of salvation.
The Bride Of Christ On Welfare
The Bride Of Christ On Welfare
by Tom Eldredge
Does the Lord Jesus Christ approve when His bride, the Church, allows the government to meet the material needs of its members, or is the Church being disobedient and adulterous?
The goal of this article is to introduce future patriarchs to ideas once understood and mastered by those who loved righteousness, those who laid the foundations for the freedoms we are so rapidly losing in our day. I believe that… Continue reading
Sufficient For All But Not Efficient For All?
Sufficient For All But Not Efficient For All?
Christ’s Death – What Did It Accomplish?
There are a number of pastors today, who call themselves calvinists, who say they believe in the doctrines of grace, and who say they believe in Limited Atonement (a.k.a. Particular Redemption), yet they muddy the waters with ideas that are more philosophical than biblical. And this is where they migrate away from Scripture, when they say things like:
“Christ’s death was sufficient for all but… Continue reading
Unincorporate Your Church – With Care!
Unincorporate Your Church – With Care!
by Everett Ramsey
EDITOR’S NOTE: Please be sure to read the section below (Some serious potential problems when trying to unincorporate) before getting started on the unincorporation process.
How to Unincorporate Your Church
Step 1:
Answer these questions.
1. Is your church a “Not-for-Profit Corporation”?
2. When was it Incorporated?
3. Do you have a copy of the incorporation papers filed with the State?
4. Do you have a… Continue reading
Reasons To Unincorporate Your Church
Reasons To Unincorporate Your Church
by Everett Ramsey
We learned a lot about incorporated churches from the judge in our school case.
While being housed in the County Jail on one ocassion during the time our church was under seige by the State of Nebraska, the Sheriff came to the general cell where prisoners were housed at 10:00 PM and said, “Reverend, get dressed. You’re going with me”. See Lessons From Louisville