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Dead Atheists

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Dead Atheists

Charles Darwin Is Dead

Carl Sagan Is Dead

Jesus Is Alive!


The Lord Jesus Christ is alive because Jesus is God.  Jesus was seen by over 500 eyewitnesses after his resurrection from the dead.  On Judgment Day Jesus will judge Charles Darwin, Carl Sagan, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, every other atheist who ever lived – and YOU – whether you are an atheist or not!


And saying you’re an atheist won’t make God go away and won’t stop Judgment Day from coming. Jesus said “Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish!”, and you will perish from the presence of God for all eternity when you are cast into hell, not for being an atheist, but for being a sinner, just like the many “religious” people all around you.


What is an atheist’s biggest problem? Wanting to be smarter than God – having a finite mind and yet being self-deceived to the point that he or she thinks they can understand and even sit in judgment of The Infinite.  Atheists get frustrated with the world that this infinite God has created, so in their frustration, they throw God out of the equation, as an act of retaliation against God for creating a world that the atheists don’t like being stuck in.  A world in which the atheist does not wish to acknowledge he is helpless to control and helpless to fully rationalize the existence of good and evil.


“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:9)


If you omit the true and living God from your life, if you jettison Him from your world view, then you miss the whole point of existence which is to get ready to spend eternity with the God who humbled Himself more than we could ever imagine, so that He could come into this world He created as the god-man Jesus Christ, to suffer and die for the sins of all the people He came to save:


“God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself” [2Corinthians 5:19]



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