Audio messages, video messages, printed messages about protestantism, the Bible, and God’s plan of salvation.
Christ in the Passover
Christ in the Passover
Passover lamb (see Exodus 12:3-5)…
- Note “your lamb” in verse 5… each redeemed soul must appropriate the lamb for himself.
- Note “the whole congregation” must kill it at twilight in verse 6… (see Matthew 26:47 and Luke 22:53)
Passover is also known as Feast of Unleavened Bread (see Exodus 12:8) when the 2 feasts are celebrated together where Passover was the first day of the feast and the next 7 days… Continue reading
But I’m A Good Catholic
But I’m A Good Catholic!
A hypothetical conversation between a true Christian and a devout Catholic about salvation.
Christian: When you die, do you know for sure if you will be in heaven?
Catholic: I think so, I’m a good Catholic.
Christian: But you don’t get to heaven by being a good Catholic, and not by being a good “anything” for that matter.
Catholic: What?
Christian: That’s right. Jesus said you must be “born again” to enter the… Continue reading
Does God Predestinate People Based On His Foreknowledge?
Does God Predestinate People Based On His Foreknowledge?
Many Christians are told that God has looked into the future to see who would accept Christ and therefore those people are the ones whom God has predestined to be saved. Where is this idea stated in the Bible? This idea is a false doctrine, perhaps based on a misunderstanding of scriptures like Romans 8:29 and Romans 11:2. After the fall of Adam, if God ever looked forward in time, the… Continue reading
Is Faith A Work?
Is Faith A Work?
Is faith some kind of “work” that some one does or can do? Believe it or not – according to the Bible – the answer is yes:
1 Thessalonians 1:3 – “Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father”
2 Thessalonians 1:11 – “Wherefore also we pray always for you, that… Continue reading
A Free-Will Prayer
A Free-Will Prayer
In his sermon “Free Will – A Slave“, the famous Baptist preacher of the 1800s – Charles Spurgeon – showed the error in thinking that spiritually dead sinners can ‘accept’ Christ as their Saviour of their own “free” will. In that sermon, Spurgeon recited a pharisaical prayer in order to illustrate the human pride underlying the idea of any lost, unsaved, ungodly rebellious man exercising his “will” to choose Christ:
“Lord, I thank… Continue reading