Christian News Alerts
News stories pertaining to Christian issues and persecution
Christian News Alerts Links:
- Dr. Bryan Ardis releases huge allegations: The covid-19 virus, vaccines and some treatments are all derived from SNAKE VENOM
- Is God really the one behind ‘The Chosen,’ as the creator of the series declares?
- The Globalist-Conrolled Democrats Announce Their Plans to Persecute Christians
- Bill Gates briefed CIA on how to lobotomize Christian fundamentalists, religious “fanatics,” using vaccine that alters VMAT2 “God” gene?
- Christian School Hit with SWAT-Style Raid, CA Demands They Allow Sexual Exploration or Be Shut Down
- Missouri becomes first state in US to no longer perform abortions
- Ohio House Passes Bill to Ban All Abortions After an Unborn Baby’s Heartbeat Begins
- Charlie Daniels Suggests Pro-Life Sanctuary Cities For Unborn Children
- The Two Major Reasons Why America Is Dead On Arrival
- Barbara Bush’s Fundraising for Planned Parenthood Like Raising Money for Nazi Death Camp, Franklin Graham Says
- Facebook Apologizes for Suspending Christian Mom Over Post on Homosexuality
- Compassion International Is Being Forced Out Of India
- Chinese Christian Woman Sentenced to Three Years in Prison After Holding Bible Study
- Christians Handed 7-Year Imprisonment In China For Buying And Selling Forbidden Devotional Books
- League Allows Steroid-Riddled Transgender To Literally Brutalize Schoolgirls
- Why the MSM Is Ignoring Trump’s Sex Trafficking Busts
- Human brain has more switches than all computers on Earth
- Why Melania Trump Leading The Public In The Lord’s Prayer At A Rally In Florida Was A Historic Event
- Trump’s New Religious Freedom Executive Order Is Little Short Of Awesome
- Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is Mental Disorder – Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’
- The Number One Mind Control Program at US Colleges
- Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Pro-Traditional Marriage Cake, And Is Denied Service By All Of Them
- Court Holds That Wedding Photographer Cannot Refuse Service To Gay Couples
- Christian Florist Being Sued By State For Refusing to Accommodate Homosexual Weddings
- Denver baker sued for refusing to write anti-gay slogans on cake
- Christians, here’s solution to gays suing your businesses
- John Macarthur preaches about homosexual marriage, abortion and other signs of the times
- Baker in Colorado taken to court for refusing to decorate a cake for same-sex ceremony
- The Apostasy of World Vision Embracing Gay Marriage
- A Warning To America From Russia
- 100 Facts About The Moral Collapse Of America That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe
- Americans Target Of Largest Media Brainwashing Campaign In History
- The Coming Collapse Of The USA
- Al Qaeda-linked jihadists accused of hanging victims on crosses
- Why Is The Media Silent About The Crucifixion Of Christians By Radical Jihadists?
- 150 Christians MASSACRED by Jihadi Muslims last night while they slept
- Egyptian Islamists Murder Young Christian, After Dragging Her From Car
- U.S. Supported Rebels’ Assaults On Christians
- Woman Celebrates Her “Cool” Abortion on YouTube
- Amazon Blacklisting Christian & Conservative Websites
Christian & Conservative News Websites:
- Christian Today
- The Christian Post
- The World And Everything In It
- The Gateway Pundit
- The Epoch Times
- The Liberty Daily
- X22 Report
- Natural News
- Zero Hedge
- Before Its News
- The Hal Turner Radio Show
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