A Worldwide Internet Christian Discipleship Ministry

But I Don’t Have The Gift Of Evangelism

But I Don’t Have The Gift Of Evangelism


Saying you don’t have the gift of evangelism as a way of avoiding responsibility for sharing your faith is equivalent to saying:


1. I don’t have the gift of caring about the souls of other people.


2. I don’t have the gift of appreciation for what my Savior did for me.


3. I don’t have the gift of obedience to Christ’s commands to preach the gospel and make disciples.


4. I don’t have the gift of getting out of my comfort zone to tell people that Jesus is the only way to Heaven.


5. I don’t have the gift of storing treasure in Heaven.


6. I don’t have the gift of doing what all true believers should want to do.


7. I can’t share a gospel that I don’t appreciate because I don’t possess it myself.


8. I won’t share a gospel that I don’t see the dire need for, since the salvation I have is not real.


9. I won’t point people to Christ or warn them about hell because I am more concerned about what people will think of me than about what God thinks of me.


10. I think evangelism is only for pastors and professional evangelists, and I am neither of those two classes of people and I love having that excuse because I am really a false convert who has no allegiance to the Lamb Of God.


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