Published November 14, 2015
floating... weightless... immersed... submerged... engulfed... swallowed whole... by an ocean of love... the original sensory deprivation chamber: a mother's womb... enclosed... surrounded... protected... comforted... cared for... cared about... loved... suspended in liquid love... warmth... nurture... connection... connected... connected to my mother! receiving air... and nourishment... products of digestion whisked away... so effectively... so efficiently... as if Some One had designed the process... as if Some One cared... comfort... affection... floating in love... the reassuring rhythm of my mother's heartbeat... constantly in the background... blood swishing so swiftly... through a maze... a tangle of tributaries... blood vessels... arteries and veins and capilleries... soothing... mesmerizing... white noise... peace... serenity... joy... muffled sounds beyond the barrier... so far away... another world... nothing to do with me... irrelevant... timelessness... love in zero gravity... the touch of a hand from beyond... the hand of a friend... a hand of someone who cares... radiating affection... transmitting love... through the barrier... into my chamber... as yet... my brain is fluid... my brain is free... spontaneous... not trained... not formed... not molded... not indoctrinated... no words limit my thoughts... dull my capacities... stunt my development... no definitions describe the world... construct an arbitrary 'reality'... fashion an artificial 'reality'... guide my development... or steer me... in a preordained direction... to an inflexible... nonmalleable... closed... ordered... rigid... state of mind... as yet... I... am not... not I... there is no me... there is no my... there is no self... no identity... no awareness... no consciousness... of what differentiates me... from the rest of the world... my senses... have not yet been tampered with... my senses... have not yet been dulled... even though the warm darkness... circumfuses... enspheres... encompasses me... suffuses me... there is in me... an awareness... of the Great Light above me... so far far away... and yet so bright... and yet so clear... and yet so close... so close... so intimately close... Light that is Love!!! somehow... I... who am not yet 'I'... instinctively... intuitively... unhesitatingly... know... know... KNOW! the Light that permeates... that penetrates the deepest darkness... the Light that shines throughout all the universe!!! no past... no future... no time... only now... the eternal present... a moment outside of time... a moment of love... love... an ocean of infinite... never-ending... forever... and ever... Jesus love... Holy Spirit love... GOD LOVE! "...God is love." For Mothers' Day Nestor Jaremko 5-6-2013
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