Why Evolutionists Should Not Be Allowed To Teach Science
Why Evolutionists Should Not Be Allowed To Teach Science
Science Teachers or Brain-Washed Zombies?
Under close examination, can we really call school teachers who teach the theory of evolution as a fact, true teachers of science? Or are they really just acting like mindless zombies – incapable of or refusing to engage in critical thinking regarding the theory they are regurgitating to school children? Anyone who claims to be qualified to teach science to others and yet can’t… Continue reading
The Ever Popular Gospel
The Ever More Popular
Increasingly Accepted
Always Unbiblical
Forever Ungodly
Undeniably Man-Centered
Positively False
Free-Will Gospel
“Ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil” [Genesis 3:5]
What does man always want?… to be like God, being the captain of his own ship and in subjection to no one, especially God. Hence the tremendous popularity of the false free-will gospel. It lets the rebel, the sinner, accept God any time he so chooses. It puts the Creator at the… Continue reading
The One True Catholic Church?
The One True Catholic Church?
Catholic Churches sui iuris
There are 23 Churches sui iuris (literally, ‘of their own law’, transliterated as ‘self-governing’ or ‘autonomous’) that, together, constitute the Catholic Church – 1 Western and 22 Eastern and Oriental Churches. All 23 are in communion with Rome, with the Latin Church being the most populous and well-known. In fact, many Catholics and non-Catholics alike are unaware of the Catholic Church in any manifestation other than that of its… Continue reading
Evangelistic Truck Driver
Evangelistic Long-Haul Truck Driver
Tractor Trailer Rig Driver Drives Bible Billboard All Over The U.S.
A brother in Christ named Dan was using his long-haul trucking job as an evangelistic ministry until the Lord took him home. I have been anxious to share his story with visitors to this website for a long time. Dan had been doing roofing and construction in New Jersey for many years (while pastoring a small church). After retiring from the demanding roofing work,… Continue reading