Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 1 According To Atheists
The Magic Of Atheism And Evolutionary Theories
Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 1 According To Atheists
The following text is a realistic, blunt, yet tongue-in-cheek description of the atheistic, humanistic, evolutionary view of the origins of the universe and all things that are in it.
In the beginning there was nothing and somehow for no apparent reason the “nothing” turned into “everything” – but all in one spot smaller than the head of a pin because for some… Continue reading
How God Sees Us
How God Sees Us
As Compared To How We See Ourselves
What is it about us humans that we just think God is going to accept us – into His heaven – on our terms… according to our idea of fairness or goodness? Practically everyone who has not been “born-again” by the grace of God has a far better opinion of themselves than God has. We tend to compare ourselves with others who we think are not as good… Continue reading
Biography Of John Gill
Biography Of John Gill
English Baptist theologian (1697-1771)
Dr. John Gill stands as one of the most important and yet misunderstood of our Baptist forefathers. His spirituality and intellect were only matched by the intensity with which others loved him or reviled him. Tom Nettles says of Gill, “He has doubtless been judged more harshly and even maliciously than any man of comparable repute in Baptist history.” How could one man demand such respect and at the same time… Continue reading
The Election Collection
The Election Collection
compiled by Jim Riscinti
(Verses from the 1769 Authorized King James Version with 1833 Webster’s Update.)
This article is a study of the extensive mention of election throughout the Bible (with regards to the doctrine of predestination) – mentioned directly with respect to the exact words “elect” and “election” and through similar words and phrases including “chosen”, “called” and “predestinate”.
* – 1588 eklektos {ek-lek-tos’} from 1586; TDNT… Continue reading