Evangelistic Truck Driver
Evangelistic Long-Haul Truck Driver
Tractor Trailer Rig Driver Drives Bible Billboard All Over The U.S.
A brother in Christ named Dan was using his long-haul trucking job as an evangelistic ministry until the Lord took him home. I have been anxious to share his story with visitors to this website for a long time. Dan had been doing roofing and construction in New Jersey for many years (while pastoring a small church). After retiring from the demanding roofing work,… Continue reading
Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 1 According To Atheists
The Magic Of Atheism And Evolutionary Theories
Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 1 According To Atheists
The following text is a realistic, blunt, yet tongue-in-cheek description of the atheistic, humanistic, evolutionary view of the origins of the universe and all things that are in it.
In the beginning there was nothing and somehow for no apparent reason the “nothing” turned into “everything” – but all in one spot smaller than the head of a pin because for some… Continue reading
How God Sees Us
How God Sees Us
As Compared To How We See Ourselves
What is it about us humans that we just think God is going to accept us – into His heaven – on our terms… according to our idea of fairness or goodness? Practically everyone who has not been “born-again” by the grace of God has a far better opinion of themselves than God has. We tend to compare ourselves with others who we think are not as good… Continue reading