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Why Evolutionists Should Not Be Allowed To Teach Science

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Why Evolutionists Should Not Be Allowed To Teach Science

ignorant zombie brain-washed government blessed science teacher fraud


Science Teachers or Brain-Washed Zombies?


Under close examination, can we really call school teachers who teach the theory of evolution as a fact, true teachers of science?  Or are they really just acting like mindless zombies – incapable of or refusing to engage in critical thinking regarding the theory they are regurgitating to school children?  Anyone who claims to be qualified to teach science to others and yet can’t even figure out that there is order and design all over the place in nature, is simply unqualified to teach science.  They are nothing more than ignorant and/or biased zombies who need to let go of their secular humanistic beliefs which greatly interfere with their ability to reason and which greatly hinder their ability to honestly interpret the evidence for Intelligent Design that exists in enormous abundance throughout the entire universe.  


In this space age world we are living in, there is no excuse for believing in some 150 year old fairy tale (Evolution) that the universe and all that is in it came about by nothing more than an enormous explosion (the Big Bang) followed by a process of random chance (the whole crux of the theory of evolution).  The universe is jam-packed with Law & Order, not random processes (see the article “The Evidence That Evolutionists Ignore“).


With such amazing advances in technology as we see in this modern age (including electron microscopes for example), there now exists a tremendous wealth of glaring examples of incredibly complex design in the world all around us. Here is one of the most glaring and irrefutable examples in this video about ADP and ATP chemicals found in enzymes in all living cells.


The ATP Synthase Enzyme – Undeniable Evidence For Intelligent Design



Anyone who claims to be qualified to teach science to others and yet can’t even figure out that there is incredible order and intricate design all over the place in nature – to the extent that the theory of evolution is absolutely groundless – is simply unqualified to teach science.




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