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The Evidence That Evolutionists Ignore

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The Evidence That Evolutionists Ignore


intelligent design evidence


Ignoring The Evidence To Promote A Theory


The charlitans who call themselves evolution scientists get away with their tall tales about evolution because the people who listen to them never receive the entire story, just enough to make the fairy tales sound believable. There is real *information* (not randomness) encoded into all the living organisms in the world around us. That information (in the form of structured enzymes and proteins that make up DNA) dictates and strictly controls what is and is not possible for a particular organism to do. The things the tale tellers claim that organisms “might have done” in some never witnessed “evolutionary process”, are not at all possible for those organisms to do under any circumstances. There simply is not enough genetic material to ever allow one organism to “evolve” into some higher life form. You can’t plant a grass seed and get a tomato plant no matter how many incantations you say over it. You can’t say “I’m going to bake a cake, using just this glass of water” either. There simply are not enough ingredients.  And such is the case with evolution.  It simply cannot happen no matter how much time you claim has elapsed.  


The “Billions Of Years” Hoax


Even “forever and ever” is not enough time for the so-called “evolution” of life on earth to have occurred, because it’s not a question of time.  Its a question of parts and instructions (DNA).  Sharks have always been sharks and always will be.   Generations of dog breeding will always produce just dogs.  This nonsense about evolution occuring over billions of years is just a huge SCAM – an evolutionist’s smokescreen.  Time has nothing to contribute to the changes required in an organism for a person to be able to honestly say that real “evolution” has occured (as compared to just the variation that is built into the genetic code of each species).


Even “forever and ever” is not enough time for the world of living things to come into existence, because it’s not a question of time.  Its a question of parts and instructions (DNA).


Be Careful Or You’ll Trip Over The Mountain Of Evidence For Intelligent Design


On the other hand, there is a mountain of evidence for Intelligent Design, no matter how loudly the evolutionists yell “not so”.  And we are talking about REAL, heavily documented evidence…  evidence that you and I actually stake our lives on, every day, without even realizing it.  That evidence is this: the many LAWS OF SCIENCE that by their very nature require a LAWGIVER.   This mountain of evidence is documented in science books and libraries all over the world.  It is also summarized at wikipedia in the categories of “List of scientific laws named after people” and “List of scientific constants named after people”.  But be warned, this massive amount of information supporting Intelligent Design is liable to cause a hard-core evolutionist to blow his or her cerebral cortex!


Scientific Laws That Govern Our World And Our Universe


Law Field Person(s) Named After
Abel’s theorem Calculus Niels Henrik Abel
Amdahl’s law Computer science Gene Amdahl
Ampère’s circuital law Physics André-Marie Ampère
Archie’s law Geology Gus Archie”>
Archimedes’ principle
Axiom of Archimedes
Arrhenius equation Chemical kinetics Svante Arrhenius
Avogadro’s law Thermodynamics Amedeo Avogadro
Bell’s theorem Quantum mechanics John Stewart Bell
Benford’s law Mathematics Frank Benford
Beer–Lambert law Optics August Beer, Johann Heinrich Lambert
Bernoulli’s principle
Bernoulli’s equation
Physical sciences Daniel Bernoulli
Biot–Savart law Electromagnetics, fluid dynamics Jean Baptiste Biot and Félix Savart
Birch’s law Geophysics Francis Birch
Bogoliubov–Born–Green–Kirkwood–Yvon hierarchy Physics Nikolay Bogoliubov, Max Born, Herbert Green, John Kirkwood, and J. Yvon
Bogoliubov transformation Quantum mechanics Nikolay Bogoliubov
Boltzmann equation Thermodynamics Ludwig Boltzmann
Born’s law Quantum mechanics Max Born
Boyle’s law Thermodynamics Robert Boyle
Bragg’s Law Physics William Lawrence Bragg, William Henry Bragg
Bradford’s law Computer science Samuel C. Bradford
Buys Ballot’s law Meteorology C.H.D. Buys Ballot
Byerlee’s law Geophysics James Byerlee
Carnot’s theorem Thermodynamics Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot
Cauchy’s integral formula
Cauchy–Riemann equations
 See also: List of things named after Augustin-Louis Cauchy
Complex analysis Augustin Louis Cauchy
Augustin Louis Cauchy and Bernhard Riemann
Cayley–Hamilton theorem Linear algebra Arthur Cayley and William Hamilton
Charles’s law Thermodynamics Jacques Charles
Chandrasekhar limit Astrophysics Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
Church–Turing thesis Computer science Alonzo Church and Alan Turing
Coulomb’s law Physics Charles Augustin de Coulomb
Law of Charles and Gay-Lussac (frequently called Charles’s law) Thermodynamics Jacques Charles and Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac
Clifford’s theorem
Clifford’s circle theorems
Algebraic geometry, Geometry William Kingdon Clifford
Curie’s law Physics Pierre Curie
Curie–Weiss law Physics Pierre Curie and Pierre-Ernest Weiss
D’Alembert’s paradox
D’Alembert’s principle
Fluid dynamics, Physics Jean le Rond d’Alembert
Dalton’s law of partial pressure Thermodynamics John Dalton
Darcy’s law Fluid mechanics Henry Darcy
De Bruijn–Erdős theorem Mathematics Nicolaas Govert de Bruijn and Paul Erdős
De Morgan’s law Logic Augustus De Morgan
Dermott’s law Celestial mechanics Stanley Dermott
Descartes’ theorem Geometry René Descartes
Dirac equation
Dirac delta function
Dirac comb
Dirac spinor
Dirac operator
 See also: List of things named after Paul Dirac
Mathematics, Physics Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
Drake equation Cosmology Frank Drake
Doppler effect Physics Christian Doppler
Ehrenfest’s theorem Quantum mechanics Paul Ehrenfest
Einstein’s general theory of relativity
Einstein’s special theory of relativity
 See also: List of things named after Albert Einstein
Physics Albert Einstein
Erdős–Anning theorem
 See also: List of things named after Paul Erdős
Mathematics Paul Erdős and Norman H. Anning
Erdős–Beck theorem Mathematics Paul Erdős and József Beck
Erdős–Gallai theorem Mathematics Paul Erdős and Tibor Gallai
Erdős–Kac theorem Mathematics Paul Erdős and Mark Kac
Erdős–Ko–Rado theorem Mathematics Paul Erdős, Ke Zhao, and Richard Rado
Erdős–Nagy theorem Mathematics Paul Erdős and Béla Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Erdős–Rado theorem Mathematics Paul Erdős and Richard Rado
Erdős–Stone theorem Mathematics Paul Erdős and Arthur Harold Stone
Erdős–Szekeres theorem Mathematics Paul Erdős and George Szekeres
Erdős–Szemerédi theorem Mathematics Paul Erdős and Endre Szemerédi
Euclid’s theorem Number theory Euclid
Euler’s theorem
 See also: List of things named after Leonhard Euler
Number theory Leonhard Euler
Faraday’s law of induction
Faraday’s law of electrolysis
Michael Faraday
Faxén’s law Fluid dynamics Hilding Faxén
Fermat’s principle
Fermat’s last theorem
Fermat’s little theorem
Number theory
Number theory
Pierre de Fermat
Fermi paradox
Fermi’s golden rule
Fermi acceleration
Fermi hole
Fermionic field
Fermi level
 See also: List of things named after Enrico Fermi
Cosmology, Physics Enrico Fermi
Fick’s law of diffusion Thermodynamics Adolf Fick
Fitts’s law Ergonomics Paul Fitts
Fourier’s law Thermodynamics Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
Gauss’s law
Gauss’s law for magnetism
Gauss’s principle of least constraint
Gauss’s digamma theorem
Gauss’s hypergeometric theorem
Gaussian function
 See also: List of things named after Carl Friedrich Gauss
Mathematics, Physics Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss
Gay–Lussac law Chemistry Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac
Gibbs–Helmholtz equation Thermodynamics Josiah Willard Gibbs, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz
Gödel’s incompleteness theorems Mathematics Kurt Gödel
Graham’s law Thermodynamics Thomas Graham
Green’s law Fluid dynamics George Green
Grimm’s law Linguistics Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
Gustafson’s law Computer science John L. Gustafson
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle Theoretical physics Werner Heisenberg
Hellmann–Feynman theorem Physics Hans Hellmann, Richard Feynman
Henry’s law Thermodynamics William Henry
Hertz observations Electromagnetism Heinrich Hertz
Hess’s law Thermodynamics Germain Henri Hess
Hilbert’s basis theorem
Hilbert’s axioms
Hilbert function
Hilbert’s irreducibility theorem
Hilbert’s syzygy theorem
Hilbert’s Theorem 90
Hilbert’s theorem
Mathematics David Hilbert
Hohenberg–Kohn theorem Quantum mechanics Pierre Hohenberg and Walter Kohn
Helmholtz’s theorems
Helmholtz theorem
Helmholtz free energy
Helmholtz decomposition
Helmholtz equation
Helmholtz resonance
Hermann von Helmholtz
Hooke’s law Physics Robert Hooke
Hopkinson’s law Electromagnetism John Hopkinson
Hubble’s law Cosmology Edwin Hubble
Hund’s rules Atomic physics Friedrich Hund
Huygens–Fresnel principle Optics Christiaan Huygens and Augustin-Jean Fresnel
Joule’s laws Physics James Joule
Jurin’s law Physics James Jurin
Kasha’s rule Photochemistry Michael Kasha
Kepler’s laws of planetary motion Astrophysics Johannes Kepler
Kirchhoff’s laws Electronics, thermodynamics Gustav Kirchhoff
Kopp’s law Thermodynamics Hermann Franz Moritz Kopp
Lagrangian point
Lagrange reversion theorem
Lagrange polynomial
Lagrange’s four-square theorem
Lagrange’s theorem
Lagrange’s theorem (group theory)
Lagrange invariant
Lagrange multiplier
 See also: List of things named after Joseph-Louis Lagrange
Mathematics, Astrophysics Joseph-Louis Lagrange
Lambert’s cosine law Physics Johann Heinrich Lambert
Lamm equation Chemistry, Biophysics Ole Lamm
Langmuir equation Surface Chemistry Irving Langmuir
Laplace transform
Laplace’s equation
Laplace operator
Laplace distribution
Laplace invariant
Laplace expansion
Laplace principle
Laplace limit
 See also: List of things named after Pierre-Simon Laplace
Probability Theory
Statistical mechanics
Pierre-Simon Laplace
Le Chatelier’s principle Chemistry Henri Louis le Chatelier
Leibniz’s law Ontology Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Lenz’s law Physics Heinrich Lenz
Leonard–Merritt mass estimator Astrophysics Peter Leonard, David Merritt
l’Hôpital’s rule Mathematics Guillaume de l’Hôpital
Llinás’ law Neuroscience Rodolfo Llinás
Mach principle
Mach reflection
Physics Ernst Mach
Marconi’s law Radio technology Guglielmo Marconi
Markovnikov’s rule Organic chemistry Vladimir Markovnikov
Maupertuis’ principle Mathematics Pierre Louis Maupertuis
Maxwell’s equations
Maxwell relations
James Clerk Maxwell
Mendelian inheritance/Mendel’s laws Genetics Gregor Mendel
Metcalfe’s law Network theory Robert Metcalfe
Mikheyev–Smirnov–Wolfenstein effect Particle physics Stanislav Mikheyev, Alexei Smirnov, and Lincoln Wolfenstein
Milner–Rado paradox Mathematical logic Eric Charles Milner and Richard Rado
Minkowski’s theorem Number theory Hermann Minkowski
Mitscherlich’s law Crystallography
Condensed matter physics
Eilhard Mitscherlich
Moore’s law Computing Gordon Moore
Nash embedding theorem
Nash equilibrium
Game Theory
John Forbes Nash
Nernst equation Electrochemistry Walther Nernst
Newton’s law of cooling
Newton’s law of universal gravitation
Newton’s laws of motion
 See also: List of things named after Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton
Niven’s theorem Mathematics Ivan Niven
Noether’s theorem Theoretical physics Emmy Noether
Nurgaliev’s law Demography Nurgaliev’s law
Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem Information theory Harry Nyquist, Claude Elwood Shannon
Occam’s razor Philosophy of science William of Ockham
Ohm’s law Electronics Georg Ohm
Osipkov–Merritt model Astrophysics Leonid Osipkov, David Merritt
Ostwald dilution law Physical chemistry Wilhelm Ostwald
Paley–Wiener theorem Mathematics Raymond Paley and Norbert Wiener
Pareto distribution
Pareto efficiency
Pareto index
Pareto principle
Economics Vilfredo Pareto
Pascal’s law
Pascal’s theorem
Blaise Pascal
Pauli exclusion principle Quantum mechanics Wolfgang Pauli
Peano axioms Foundational mathematics Giuseppe Peano
Planck’s law Electromagnetism Max Planck
Poincaré–Bendixson theorem Mathematics Henri Poincaré and Ivar Otto Bendixson
Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem Mathematics Henri Poincaré, George David Birkhoff, and Ernst Witt
Poincaré–Hopf theorem Mathematics Henri Poincaré and Heinz Hopf
Poincaré recurrence theorem
Poincaré conjecture
Poincaré lemma
 See also: List of things named after Henri Poincaré
Mathematics Henri Poincaré
Poiseuille’s law Fluidics Jean Léonard Marie Poiseuille
Poisson distribution
Poisson’s equation
 See also: List of things named after Siméon Denis Poisson
Siméon Denis Poisson
Price’s theorem Natural selection George R. Price
Ptolemy’s theorem Geometry Ptolemy
Pythagorean theorem Geometry Pythagoras
Raman scattering Physics Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman
Rado’s theorem Discrete mathematics Richard Rado
Ramanujan–Nagell equation
 See also: List of things named after Srinivasa Ramanujan
Mathematics Srinivasa Ramanujan and Trygve Nagell
Raoult’s law Physical chemistry François-Marie Raoult
Riemann zeta function
Riemann hypothesis
Riemann integral
Riemann lemma
Riemannian manifold
Riemann sphere
Riemann theta function
 See also: List of things named after Bernhard Riemann
Number theory, analysis, geometry Bernhard Riemann
Rolle’s theorem Differential calculus Michel Rolle
Saha ionization equation Plasma physics Meghnad Saha
Schrödinger equation Physics Erwin Schrödinger
Sérsic’s law Astrophysics J. L. Sérsic
Snell’s law Optics Willebrord van Roijen Snell
Sokolov–Ternov effect Particle Physics Arsenij Sokolov and Igor Ternov
Sommerfeld–Kossel displacement law Spectroscopy Arnold Sommerfeld and Walther Kossel
Stefan–Boltzmann law Thermodynamics Jožef Stefan and Ludwig Boltzmann
Stokes’ law Fluid mechanics George Gabriel Stokes
Stoletov’s law Photoelectric effect Aleksandr Stoletov
Tarski’s undefinability theorem
Tarski’s axioms
 See also: List of things named after Alfred Tarski
Mathematical logic, Geometry Alfred Tarski
Thales’ theorem Geometry Thales
Titius–Bode law Astrophysics Johann Daniel Titius and Johann Elert Bode
Torricelli’s law Physics Evangelista Torricelli
Umov effect Physics Nikolay Umov
Van der Waals equation Chemistry Johannes Diderik van der Waals
Vlasov equation Plasma physics Anatoly Vlasov
Von Neumann bicommutant theorem
Von Neumann entropy
von Neumann paradox
Von Neumann ergodic theorem
Von Neumann universe
Von Neumann neighborhood
Von Neumann’s trace inequality
 See also: List of things named after John von Neumann
Mathematics, Quantum mechanics John von Neumann
Weinberg–Witten theorem Quantum Gravity Steven Weinberg and Edward Witten
Weyl character formula
 See also: List of things named after Hermann Weyl
Mathematics Hermann Weyl
Wien’s law Physics Wilhelm Wien
Wiener–Khinchin theorem Mathematics Norbert Wiener and Aleksandr Khinchin
Young–Laplace equation Fluid dynamics Thomas Young and Pierre-Simon Laplace
Zipf’s law Linguistics George Kingsley Zipf


SOURCE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_scientific_laws_named_after_people


And for all those evolutionists who love to think of the world as a place full of random chance, I give them this list of physical and mathematical constants:


Physical And Mathematical Constants Discovered In Our Universe

Archimedes’ constant (π, pi) – Archimedes
Avogadro’s number – Amedeo Avogadro
Bohr magneton – Niels Bohr
Bohr radius – Niels Bohr
Boltzmann constant – Ludwig Boltzmann
Cabibbo angle – Nicola Cabibbo
Chaitin’s constant – Gregory Chaitin
Chandrasekhar limit – Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
Copeland–Erdős constant – Paul Erdős and Peter Borwein
Coulomb’s constant (electric force constant, electrostatic constant, ke ) – Charles-Augustin de Coulomb
Eddington number – Arthur Stanley Eddington
Embree–Trefethen constant
Erdős–Borwein constant
Euler–Mascheroni constant – Leonhard Euler and Lorenzo Mascheroni
Euler’s number – Leonhard Euler
Faraday constant – Michael Faraday
Feigenbaum constants – Mitchell Feigenbaum
Graham’s number – Ronald Graham
Hartree energy – Douglas Hartree
Hubble’s constant – Edwin Hubble
Josephson constant – Brian David Josephson
Kerr constant – John Kerr
Khinchin’s constant – Aleksandr Khinchin
Landau–Ramanujan constant – Edmund Landau and Srinivasa Ramanujan
Legendre’s constant (one, 1) – Adrien-Marie Legendre
Loschmidt constant – Johann Josef Loschmidt
Ludolphsche Zahl – Ludolph van Ceulen
Mean of Phidias (golden ratio, ϕ {\displaystyle \phi } \phi , phi) – Phidias
Meissel–Mertens constant
Moser’s number
Newton’s constant (gravitational constant, G {\displaystyle G} G) – Sir Isaac Newton
Planck constant ( h {\displaystyle h} h) – Max Planck
Ramanujan–Soldner constant – Srinivasa Ramanujan and Johann Georg von Soldner
Rydberg constant – Johannes Rydberg
Sackur–Tetrode constant – Otto Sackur and Hugo Tetrode
Sierpiński’s constant – Wacław Sierpiński
Skewes’ number – Stanley Skewes
Stefan–Boltzmann constant – Jožef Stefan and Ludwig Boltzmann
Theodorus’ constant (√3 ≅ ±1.732050807568877…) – Theodorus of Cyrene
Viswanath’s constant – Divakar Viswanath
von Klitzing constant – Klaus von Klitzing
Wien displacement law constant – Wilhelm Wien

SOURCE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_constants_named_after_people


True Science: Mapping Out And Decoding The Handiwork Of The Universe’s Grand Designer


To an honest, intelligent person, the information at Wikipedia cited above represents a massive amount of design that went into the universe.  As mankind learns more about the world around him he is able to map out that design – using the laws of science described above. He is mapping out and decoding the universe that the Almighty has gloriously created for mankind to study and enjoy. God has given us humans the same love for creativity that He too possesses. And He has given man an enormous laboratory (the universe) to work in – to observe and experiment in. What all these scientists are really doing, is taking apart all the watches that the Divine watchmaker has built.  And in the process, learning how to build watches too.  No one learns in a vaccuum.  God understands this and so He left us many mechanisms in nature to study so that we could learn a great deal about God’s magnificent creation.



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