Seek The Lord While He May Be Found
Seek The Lord While He May Be Found
A Story About A Man Who Died Very Suddenly In His Twenties
I was prompted to document this true story described below (that I have been “sitting on” for many years) after seeing a post on Facebook with the following hypothetical question, which you may have heard before:
Someone is lying in the road bleeding to death and asks you, “What must I do to be saved?” and they have 60… Continue reading
Relationship Tips For Men
Relationship Tips For Men
1. Start with friendship. It takes the pressure off of you and the woman.
2. Be true to yourself. She can then learn who you are and who you are not.
3. Make your intentions known so boundaries can be set.
4. When the right time comes introduce her to your friends and family.
5. Be consistent in how you treat her. She needs to know you feel about her.
6. Keep your promises. Don’t make… Continue reading
Others May, You Cannot
Others May, You Cannot
A Look At God’s Expectations For His Children
If God has called you to be really like Jesus, He will draw you into a life of crucifixion and humility, and put upon you such demands of obedience, that you will not be able to follow other people, or measure yourself by other Christians, and in many ways He will seem to let other good people do things which He will not let you do.
Other… Continue reading
Catholicism Versus God’s Word Regarding Idolatry
Catholicism Versus God’s Word Regarding Idolatry
Especially Regarding Mary
It is not difficult to discern idolatry, if you’re not blind to it. Catholicism has errored by adopting church fathers idolatrous teachings, and passing them off as true doctrine to their faithful when they are actually against God.
Look at The Glories of Mary” written by one of the most esteemed Doctors of the Catholic Church, and you will see the very roots of mariology in all its idolatrous… Continue reading
The Good News Gospel
The Good News Gospel
And How It Relates To God’s Requirement To Be Perfect
Based on what the Scriptures reveal concerning God, what is God’s acceptable requirement concerning His commands towards sinners, as concerning salvation?
The Lord Jesus Christ commands that you repent and believe the Gospel. What else did Jesus command when asked about eternal life? He also stated to sell all that you have and follow Him, and in Matthew 5:28, it states: “Be ye therefore perfect,… Continue reading