In Santa We Trust
Original “In Santa We Trust” Candybar Wrapper
Parody Of “In Santa We Trust”
Reverend Billy Bob
A Conversation With Reverend Billy-Bob
Reverend Billy Bob: Hi. My name is Reverend Billy Bob.
Church Visitor: Hi. My name is Joe. Why do you refer to yourself as “reverend”?
Reverend Billy Bob: Well, that’s just a title we pastors like to apply to ourselves so we get some respect and so people know we’re in charge.
Church Visitor: Oh, I see. As far as I know, in the entire Bible, the only “being” referred to as reverend is… Continue reading
A Conversation With A Woman Pastor
A Conversation With A Woman Pastor
Pastor Susie: Hi, my name is Pastor Susie.
Church Visitor: Oh really? You’re a pastor? Are you the husband of one wife?
Pastor Susie: Why do you ask such a silly question? I’m a woman and a woman can’t possibly be the husband of one wife.
Church Visitor: That’s quite correct. However, in order for anyone to be a pastor, the Bible states in 1 Timothy chapter 3 verse 2:… Continue reading
Am I an Arminian?
Am I an Arminian?
Many professing Christians who consider themselves to be “bible-believing” and “evangelical” often have no idea what Arminianism is and that it is the name for the brand of salvation that most churches preach in place of the true Gospel. Arminianism is a doctrine promoted by Jacobus Arminius hundreds of years ago. This doctrine has crept into the Christian church and has pushed out the true Gospel in most mainline Christian denominations and non-denominational churches of… Continue reading
Propitiation – A Big Word To Describe A Great Accomplishment
A Big Word To Describe A Great Accomplishment
We are planning to show in this Bible study how the very essence and uniqueness of the Gospel Of Jesus Christ hinges upon the biblical meaning of the word propitiation. It is a word that defines the meaning and scope of Christ’s atonement. And Christ’s atonement for sinful mankind is as effective as God says it is and as wide in scope as He says it is. So I believe a… Continue reading