Television And The Christian Home
Television and the Christian Home
by J. Kerr Duff (1899-1983)
There are many perils which threaten the spiritual well-being of the believer in these last closing days. Some of these dangers are apparent and can be easily discerned, while others are like sunken rocks which cannot be readily seen, but are for that very cause all the more dangerous. Such a menace to the Christian is to be found in television (TV) which Satan exploits for the accomplishment… Continue reading
The Stranger Who Moved In With Us
The Stranger Who Moved In With Us
A few years after I was born, my Dad met a stranger who was new to our small town. From the beginning, Dad was fascinated with this enchanting newcomer and soon invited him to live with our family. The stranger was quickly accepted and was around from then on.
As I grew up, I never questioned his place in my family. In my young mind, he had a special niche. My parents were complementary instructors: Mum taught me good… Continue reading
Should Christians Watch TV?
Should Christians Watch TV?
“I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes” [Psalm 101:3]
In order to properly answer the question “Should Christians Watch TV?” we need to find out what the Bible says about what God expects of us. If you are of the opinion that we dare not be judgmental by speaking out about specific activities, remember that Jesus said “judge with righteous judgment” [John 7:24], lest we come under the condemnation of God’s Word… Continue reading
What Is Television Doing To Our Youth?
What Is Television Doing To Our Youth?
by Oswald J. Smith
NOTE: This article was written long before the Internet came in being. What it says about television applies equally to the negative influence of the Internet on both adults and children and that influence is towards an even greater degree of evil. Awful and degrading things that would never be allowed on television are constantly being made available to and thrust at audiences worldwide via the… Continue reading
Anything But Gay
Anything But Gay:
The Deadly and Dangerous Homosexual Lifestyle
By Tyler Young
Because of the bias manner in which homosexuality is portrayed by the media, the general public has little understanding of the true nature of the homosexual lifestyle.
Most have been deceived into believing the average homosexual lives a perfectly normal and healthy way of life.
To suggest otherwise is considered hateful and homophobic. But the facts paint a dark picture of homosexuality much different from… Continue reading