Developing Godly Manhood through Recreation
Developing Godly Manhood Through Recreation
by David Gundlach
“And the LORD God said, [It is] not good that the man should be alone, I will make him an help meet for him” (Gen. 2:18). Both the testimony of Holy Scripture and that of God’s revelation in the world about us demonstrate that males and females are each incomplete without the other. “Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord. For… Continue reading
No-Fault Child Raising
No-Fault Child Raising
by Philip Lancaster
Is God faithful? Is man responsible? Do our moral actions have predictable consequences, or are God’s dealings with his children utterly capricious?
The answers to these questions appear to be in doubt for a large segment of the evangelical community in the late 20th Century. While we rail at the world and our secular society for its lack of faith in God and its failure to hold men accountable for their actions,… Continue reading
Not My Children!
Not My Children!
Most of us have seen the card-pack form of advertising in which we receive a bundle of postcard-sized ads related by some common theme like family life, church ministry, or home schooling. A pack recently sent out was devoted to youth ministries in the church—and was it ever an eye-opener!
Bear in mind that these ads are directed at youth workers in Christian churches (words in quotation marks are directly from the ads):
Item… Continue reading
A Father’s Job Description
A Father’s Job Description
If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time. This platitude applies to many areas of human endeavor, but nowhere is its truth more sobering than in the matter of fathering. If we don’t know the purpose for which God has given us children, then how can we ever fulfill that purpose? If we don’t know the goal of child raising, how can we ever reach that goal? If we don’t know our job… Continue reading
How to Marry: Courtship Questions
God’s Design for Scriptural Romance
Part 7 – How to Marry: Courtship Questions
by John W. Thompson
When discussing the subject of biblical courtship, certain questions repeatedly are asked. I hear them at conferences where I speak as well as through emails via our web site. They are no doubt on the minds of many Christian dads, moms and young people today. These inquiries fall into two primary groups: (1) questions about courtship and (2) questions during courtship.… Continue reading