Family-Centered Training After High School
Family-Centered Training After High School
If men and women of antiquity could somehow be transported through time to our present era and culture, they would probably be dumbfounded by the number and kinds of choices that are granted to individuals in our society. As we have already noted, during Bible times parents exercised a decisive control in the arrangement of marriages. For the most part, a man’s choice of vocation was similarly determined. Sons usually took up the occupations… Continue reading
The Religious Nature of Education
The Religious Nature Of Education
by David Sant
I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me. –Deuteronomy 5:6-7
Most Americans think of education as a value-neutral arena in which children are taught the knowledge and skills they need to function as adults in society. As Christians, we must realize… Continue reading
Commencement: An Alternative to Graduation
Commencement: An Alternative to Graduation
Sometimes children pay the price for the counter-cultural lifestyle of their parents. Early on in our home education adventure our little non-schoolers had to get used to answering questions like, “Why aren’t you in school today?” Though in those days (when homeschooling was a novelty) fabrications like “teachers meeting” were a tempting response in order to avoid penetrating stares, nowadays the children respond with a nonchalant “We homeschool,” secure in the general acceptance of… Continue reading
Fathers: It’s YOUR Home School
Fathers: It’s YOUR Home School
One of the notable features of the home education movement is that it is pretty much a women’s movement—at least down in the trenches.
In the day to day battle of planning and teaching, scheduling and organizing, disciplining and encouraging it is the mother who bears the brunt of the work, at least in the vast majority of homeschooling homes.
It is true, we fathers often adopt the title of “Principal” of our… Continue reading
Home Education: It’s God’s Idea
Home Education: It’s God’s Idea
There are many excellent reasons for choosing to teach your own children at home.
First, there is now incontestable evidence that on average children who are home schooled fare better academically than children of either public or private schools. This is not surprising since tutoring has always been recognized to be the best method of education.
Second, home educated children are spared the corrupting environment of the peer-oriented classroom and thus are benefited… Continue reading