John Harvey’s Testimony
John Harvey’s Testimony
(Born 1654, Died at approximately age 11)
John Harvey was born in London, in the year 1654. His father was a Dutch merchant. He was piously educated by his mother, and soon began to hear divine things with delight. The first thing observable in him was, that when he was two years and eight months old, he could speak as well as other children do usually at five years of age. His parents thinking that he… Continue reading
Charles Bridgeman’s Testimony
Charles Bridgeman’s Testimony
(Died at approximately 12 years of age)
Charles Bridgeman no sooner learned to speak, but he betook himself to prayer. He was prone to learn the things of God. He would be often teaching them their duty that waited upon him. He learned by heart many good things before he was fit to go to school: so religious were his words, his actions so upright, his devotions so hearty, his fear of God so great, that… Continue reading
Mary A’s Testimony
Mary A’s Testimony
(Died of the Plague at age 12)
Mary A. when she was between four and five years old, was greatly affected in hearing the Word of God, and became very solicitous about her soul, weeping bitterly, to think what would become of her in another world, asking strange questions concerning God and Christ, and her own soul. So that before she was full five years old, she minded the one thing needful, and chose the better… Continue reading
Sarah Howely’s Testimony
Sarah Howely’s Testimony
(Died in 1670 at approximately age 14)
Miss Sarah Howely, when she was between eight and nine years old, was carried by her friends to hear a sermon, where the minister preached on (Matthew 11:30), “My yoke is easy, and my burden is light; ” in the applying of which scripture, the child was mightily awakened, and made deeply sensible of the condition of her soul, and her need of Christ; she wept bitterly to think… Continue reading
Susannah Bicks’ Testimony
Susannah Bicks’ Testimony
(Born in 1650, Died of the Plague in 1664 at age 14)
Susannah Bicks, was born at Leyden, in Holland, Jan. 24, 1650, of religious parents. They took great care as to instruct their child, and to present her to the ministers of the place to be publicly instructed. It pleased God to bless this to her soul, so that she had soon a true relish of what she was taught, and made an admirable use… Continue reading