But I Don’t Have The Gift Of Evangelism
But I Don’t Have The Gift Of Evangelism
Saying you don’t have the gift of evangelism as a way of avoiding responsibility for sharing your faith is equivalent to saying:
1. I don’t have the gift of caring about the souls of other people.
2. I don’t have the gift of appreciation for what my Savior did for me.
3. I don’t have the gift of obedience to Christ’s commands to preach the gospel and make… Continue reading
A Conversation Between An Evangelist And A Professing Christian About Wordless Evangelism
A Conversation Between An Evangelist And A Professing Christian
About “Wordless Evangelism”
Evangelist: The Bible proclaims to the sinner “repent or perish”. It also says that all who die lost will be cast into the Lake of Fire. Yet so many preachers and “evangelists” nowadays only talk about the “love” of God.
Professor: Hey man, that’s because all that talk of judgment and wrath is way too harsh! Most people can’t handle a message like that. You need… Continue reading
Your Rights When Street Witnessing
Your Rights When Street Witnessing
Issue Date: September/October 1999
From “Battle Cry” magazine, Chick Publications, Inc.
Where do you stand with the law when you take the gospel to the streets? There is much confusion even in the minds of the authorities about witnessing rights in public.
The American Center For Law and Justice (ACLJ) on their web site at: www.aclj.org states, “When you give away gospel tracts in public places… streets, sidewalks, and parks – you are… Continue reading
Are The “Four Spiritual Laws” Biblical?
Are The “Four Spiritual Laws” Biblical?
Many Christians are taught the “four spiritual laws”, never realizing that these laws, are unbiblical. Yes. UNBIBLICAL! As preposterous as that may sound to many, it is never-the-less very true as we will point out in this study. Similar “salvation plans” have been created by man with similar steps such as “The Roman’s Road” and “Step To Peace With God”. Those other formulas are equally unbiblical.
Just as there are physical laws… Continue reading |
A Look At Friendship Evangelism
A Look At Friendship Evangelism
The term ‘friendship evangelism’ is in wide use today in Christian churches. What does it mean and is it biblical? That is what we are endeavoring to find out in this study.
1. What is friendship evangelism?
To some people, friendship evangelism is a method of leading people to Christ where you become their friend first, and then and only until then, should you share the Gospel with them. Others believe that… Continue reading