The Lutheran Formula Of Concord
The Lutheran Formula Of Concord – 1576
Formula of Concord (1577) (German, Konkordienformel; Latin, Formula concordiae; also the “Bergic Book” or the “Bergen Book”) is an authoritative Lutheran statement of faith (called a confession, creed, or “symbol”) that, in its two parts (Epitome and Solid Declaration), makes up the final section of the Lutheran Corpus Doctrinae or Body of Doctrine, known as the Book of Concord (most references to these texts are to the original… Continue reading
Jehovahs Witnesses Secret Answer Book
Jehovahs Witnesses Secret Answer Book
Known As “Reasoning From The Scriptures”
Did you know that the Jehovah’s Witnesses have a secret book they use to give answers to questions that people have when they go door to door? Its called “Reasoning From The Scriptures”. It is published by the main publishing organization of the Witnesses which is the “Watchtower Bible and Tract Society”. They won’t give these books to outsiders, but nowadays, thanks to the Internet and online stores such… Continue reading
Detailed Statement Of Beliefs
Detailed Statement Of Beliefs ministry subscribes to these fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith:
1. The Bible (in the original Greek & Hebrew) is the infallible Word of God (Psalm 19:7).
a. Bibles translated using the “Received Text” Greek manuscripts are the most accurate and reliable translations (i.e. KJV, MKJV, YLT).
b. Bibles translated using the “Alexandrian Text” Greek manuscripts are NOT reliable translations and are to be avoided (i.e. NIV, NASB).
b. Paraphrased (i.e. loosely translated)… Continue reading
Resources About Dispensationalism
Resources About Dispensationalism
Here are some materials you may wish to examine to see some of the views on Dispensationalism, including some opposing views that are no longer very popular within the Church at large of our day, especially the Church in the United States. Historically, did the corporate Church really believe in and teach about a secret rapture of the Church prior to a 7 year tribulation period? Or did they generally believe that the rapture would be… Continue reading
Remember Lot’s Wife
Remember Lot’s Wife
A Solemn Warning From Jesus About Lost Souls
by J.C. Ryle (1816-1900)
There are few warnings in Scripture more solemn than this. The Lord Jesus Christ says to us (in Luke 17:32) “Remember Lot’s wife.”
Lot’s wife was a professor of religion: her husband was a “righteous man” (II Peter 2:8). She left Sodom with him on the day when Sodom was destroyed; she looked back towards the city from behind her husband, against God’s… Continue reading