Orthodoxy Is Heresy
Orthodoxy Is Heresy?
Biblical Christian Orthodoxy Is Now Considered Heretical
What was once generally accepted as the orthodox and true view of the gospel (Calvinism) is now considered heresy. And what was once considered heresy (Arminianism, a.k.a. free-willism) is now considered the true, orthodox view of the gospel.
Arminianism is in! Calvinism is out!
We are now living in a day and age when biblical doctrine, that was once considered AND WIDELY ACKNOWLEDGED* to be “orthodox”… Continue reading
The Life And Death Of Missionaries John And Betty Stam
The Life And Death Of Missionaries John And Betty Stam
Missionaries With The China Inland Mission
by Carl Stam – Grandson Of John Stam
It was at the beginning of the third century that Tertullian of Carthage said that the blood of the martyrs was the seed of the church. Certainly this truth has been seen in the life and death of my great aunt and uncle, John and Betty Stam.
They were young missionaries serving with the China… Continue reading
We Like Everything About You Except…
We Like Everything About You Except…
- We like the way you faithfully attend prayer meetings and Bible studies.
- We like your dedication to the local church body.
- We like it when you visit shut-ins from our church.
- We like how you minister to the sick and widows and widowers.
- We like the fact that you write letters of encouragement and condolence to others in the local church.
- We like your participation in men’s breakfasts and various fellowship meals.… Continue reading
Election And Predestination As Taught In The Bible
Election & Predestination As Taught In The Bible
Anyone willing to take the time to do a reasonable bible study on the subject of election and predestination will have no trouble finding a wealth of evidence for these doctrines, and with that, a much better understanding of God’s sovereignty in salvation. There are various reasons why many professing Christians don’t understand or believe in these doctrines. Many have only done a superficial – if any – study… Continue reading
What Is Duty Faith And Is It Biblical
What Is Duty Faith And Is It Biblical?
We need to start this study by defining the term “duty faith”. Duty faith is the teaching that it is the duty or obligation towards God of the natural man (unregenerated person) to believe unto eternal salvation, even if it is impossible for him to do so in his spiritually dead condition. Or to put it another way, it is the duty of the unsaved sinner to fully trust… Continue reading