What If Islam Ruled America
What If Islam Ruled America
Islam is more than a religion; It is a comprehensive way of life. The Quran (believed by Muslims to be Allah’s word), and the Hadith (Mohammed’s sayings as recorded by Al Bukhari), prescribe numerous regulations governing every aspect of the social, political, economical, as well as religious life. The belief that (Islam is a religion and a state)is an integral part of the Islamic religion. Let’s examine what Islam would do if it ruled… Continue reading
How often do I think of God? -- Make that all day long! Truth be told, can't get Him out of my mind -- He's the One to Whom I belong. In every moment, and every situation -- Even when I'm doing wrong -- There's no escape from Him -- So I might as well go along.
Can't stop myself thinking about Him -- How Holy He Is...how holy I ain't! Meditating on the Lord is not always easy… Continue reading