Why The Celibate Catholic Priesthood Is Unbiblical
Why The Celibate Priesthood Of The Catholic Church Is Unbiblical
And Why You Should NEVER Leave Your Children Alone With A Catholic Priest
The Catholic Clergy Child Molestor Club
Not only is the whole concept of a celibate (non-marrying) priesthood actually preached AGAINST in the Bible, the system of priests is also obsolete as a Christian entity since the priesthood was abolished by Christ on the cross at Calvary – at which time, He established the priesthood of all… Continue reading
The Missing Commandment
The Missing Commandment
The Catholic Church Threw Out One Of The Ten Commandments
The ten commandments taught by the Catholic church to her followers are DIFFERENT than the ten commandments mentioned in the Catholic bible. The commandments they teach, OMIT the commandment forbidding statues (also referred to as graven images). They then split the tenth commandmant (You shall not covet) into two commandments (“You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife” and “You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods”).
Ten… Continue reading
Additional Priest & Nun Testimonies
Additional Priest & Nun Testimonies
- Charles Chiniquy, former Roman Catholic priest
- Ex-Priest, Bernard Fresenborg
- The Truth Set Us Free – Twenty Former Nuns Tell Their Stories
Notable former Roman Catholic Priests & Nuns:
- Karen Armstrong – A Catholic nun who left the convent and the church. She wrote Through the Narrow Gate, Revised: A Memoir of Spiritual Discovery
on her experience as a nun.
- Monica Baldwin – A Catholic nun who left the Catholic church. She… Continue reading
Converted Priest William Hogan
Auricular Confession And Popish Nunneries
By Converted Priest William Hogan, 1854
Detailing the crimes and immorality of “celibate” priests and nuns and
exposing the hypocrisy of the Catholic Church in denouncing abortion
If I can satisfy Americans that Auricular Confession is dangerous to their liberties; if I can show them that it is the source and fountain of many, if not all, those treasons, debaucheries, and other evils, which are now flooding this country, I shall feel that… Continue reading
The Story Of Barbara Ubryk
The Convent Horror
The Story Of Barbara Ubryk
Twenty-One Years in a Convent Dungeon
Eight Feet Long, Six Feet Wide
From Official Records
(Excerpted from the enlarged 1957 edition)
It is a most significant evidence of the moral obtuseness of the American people, that while all progressive foreign countries which are called Roman Catholic, have either suppressed or opened for public inspection, convents and monasteries, this great professedly-Protestant nation not only permits them to continue… Continue reading