House Church Resources
House Church Resources
“For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.” [1Corinthians 12:12]
Here you will find forums, videos, literature and links to websites that discuss house churches: what they are about and how they differ from conventional, institutional churches.
House Church Forums:
- Home Church Discussion List (HCDL): HCDL is an internet discussion forum about home churches.
- New-wineskin:… Continue reading
Some Church History
Some Church History
If we wish to understand why Christianity is the way it is today and if we wish to avoid making the mistakes others have made in their Christian life, it behooves us to study Church history. The people listed here had a major impact on the church, some for its good and some for its bad. We will stay away from modern day preachers and teachers, leaving that for another study.
Throughout… Continue reading
Why So Many Kinds Of Churches?
Why Are There So Many
Different Kinds Of Christian Churches?
There are many reasons why there are so many Christian churches. We will look at several of those reasons here.
I. Things that differentiate true Christian churches:
- Different methods of interpreting the Bible (sola scriptural, historical, etc.) (1Cor 2:13)
- Different interpretations of doctrine (2Pet 1:20)
- Different views on the importance of biblical doctrine versus extra-biblical tradition (2Thes 2:15, 2Thes 3:6)
- Different styles of worship service (1Cor 11:1-2)
- Different… Continue reading
A Brief Overview Of Churches
A Brief Overview Of “Christian” Churches & Denominations
This article is an attempt to briefly explain what various churches and denominations are like, for the benefit of someone who is either a new Christian and is looking for a church to attend or for someone who is just curious about why there are so many different kinds of Christian churches. This paper does not attempt to name every so-called Christian church or denomination, but rather to give you an overview… Continue reading
Biblical Patterns For The Local Church
Biblical Patterns For The Local Church
Is tradition important? If so, which traditions?
How do we know which traditions God wants the local church to follow? Because of verses like the following, many believers think that tradition is something to be avoided:
Mark 7:9 – “And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.”
Mark 7:13 – “Making the word of God of… Continue reading