Super Bowl – Yet Another Idol
Super Bowl – Yet Another Idol
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”
[Matthew 6:21]
Just think of it, millions of people gathered attentively and excitedly around an electronic appliance that relays two dimensional images of grown men running around a field with a little ballie, shoving each other and bashing into each other for a chance to carry the little ballie. The players are grown men, beating each other up for a living, acting… Continue reading
Santa Claus – A Happy-Go-Lucky God
Santa Claus:
A Happy-Go-Lucky
In case you haven’t noticed, Santa has become far more popular than Jesus around the Christmas holiday. And what else should we expect? This god-like fairy tale character gives gifts to anyone and everyone. While, Jesus, the son of the living God commands everyone everywhere to repent of their sins or else end up being cast into the Lake Of Fire.
But have you noticed that there is a new Jesus among us… Continue reading
Doll Worshippers
Which Religion Worships Dolls?
All these religions identified below (and others) worship dolls!
“They be no gods, which are made with hands.”
Acts 19:26
Here are some of their dolls, also known as i-dols. And just like a child’s toy doll, they are made by human hands. They have eyes but they cannot see. They have ears but they cannot hear. They have hands but they cannot handle anything. They all represent the need for sinful men… Continue reading
Catholic Communion – The Cracker God Of Catholicism
Catholic Communion – The Cracker God Of Catholicism
An Article About The So-Called “Holy Eucharist” Catholic Communion Wafers
This article points out the reasons why the eucharist of Catholicism is nothing more than yet another idol in a religious institution that is full of idols (see the article “The Idols Of Catholicism” on this site for examples of other Catholic idols). So as not to be immediately condemned for misinterpreting the teachings of the Catholic… Continue reading