Secular Humanism
Secular Humanism
Secular Humanism is the official religion of the US public school system and many other public school systems worldwide. It is based upon Darwinism, atheism, hedonism and pseudo-science. It is a system of beliefs about man and his origins that are actually at odds against evidence in nature, geology, mathematics and science and that completely ignores evidence for Intelligent Design in the world around us. Much of secular humanism is based upon the superstitious beliefs of… Continue reading
The Religious Nature of Education
The Religious Nature Of Education
by David Sant
I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me. –Deuteronomy 5:6-7
Most Americans think of education as a value-neutral arena in which children are taught the knowledge and skills they need to function as adults in society. As Christians, we must realize… Continue reading
Should Christians Teach In Public Schools
Let Go Of The Rope
(Should Christians Teach In Public Schools)
I recently read a column in which the author suggests that even though public education is “over the edge” of a cliff, Christians are “holding the rope from which the system dangles.” He suggests letting go of the rope by removing our children from the government schools. Why should Christians prop up an anti-Christian institution by their participation? Let it die its well-deserved death.
This prompts the… Continue reading