Altar Calls
Altar Calls
“We have an altar” Hebrews 13:10
by Don Fortner
Grace Baptist Church
2734 Old Stanford Road
Danville, Kentucky 40422-9438
A pastor wrote to me recently asking about altar calls (the common practice of inviting sinners to walk down to the front of an auditorium, or other makeshift “altar”, at the end of a religious service to receive Christ). He said, “Pastor I would be interested in how you deal with the matter of altar calls at… Continue reading
Why The Celibate Catholic Priesthood Is Unbiblical
Why The Celibate Priesthood Of The Catholic Church Is Unbiblical
And Why You Should NEVER Leave Your Children Alone With A Catholic Priest
The Catholic Clergy Child Molestor Club
Not only is the whole concept of a celibate (non-marrying) priesthood actually preached AGAINST in the Bible, the system of priests is also obsolete as a Christian entity since the priesthood was abolished by Christ on the cross at Calvary – at which time, He established the priesthood of all… Continue reading
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