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How To Tell A FALSE Christian From A TRUE Christian

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How To Tell A FALSE Christian From A TRUE Christian

Please note: we are mainly comparing Catholics to true Christians.

difference between Catholic and true Christian

“They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him” – Titus 1:16

A false Christian prays to Mary and to many man-made “saints”. A true Christians prays to Jesus, not to ANY man-made “saints”.
A false Christian owns statues, calling them “sacred objects”. A true Christian calls those religious statues “idols”.
A false Christian bows down to statues, calling it “veneration”. A true Christian calls that behavior “idolatry”.
A false Christian dedicates shrines to their Jesus substitutes (their saints). A true Christian does not imitate pagans.
A false Christian has their Church headquarters in the Vatican. A true Christian’s Church headquarters are in Heaven only.
A false Christian has a “holy father” in Rome. A true Christian has only ONE holy Father and He resides in Heaven.
A false Christian has various authoritative doctrinal writings on equal footing with the Bible. A true Christian’s sole ultimate doctrinal authority is the Bible.
A false Christian confesses their sins to a man they call their priest. A true Christian confesses their sins to God and to one another (meaning the person they sinned against).
A false Christian believes that Jesus inhabits millions of wafers worldwide. A true Christian knows that communion is only a symbolic memorial service of the death of Jesus Christ.
A false Christian has a false works gospel that includes sacraments and the merits of the sinner in addition to the death of Jesus. A true Christian’s gospel is a salvation plan resting solely in the Lord Jesus Christ and in His merits alone.

how to tell false christian from true



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