Why No Ex-Catholic Should Ever Come Home To Rome
Why No Ex-Catholic Should Ever Come Home To Rome
Dear Catholics, On Judgment Day, you and all others who have been warned about following false gospels and false churches will be without excuse. God is graciously sending you messengers to show you that you are not in God’s one true Church, but rather a huge counterfeit of the true Church.
“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Revelation 18:4
To Catholics who think ex-Catholics should “come home to Rome”…
Would YOU return to a church after you found out:
1. They SYSTEMATICALLY protect child predators among their clergy.
2. They had a 600 year slaughter campaign against anyone who dared to challenge their authority, calling it a “holy” inquisition.
3. They deceive their members about what worship is and what idolatry is.
4. They get people focused on a false version of Mary and man-made saints instead of on Jesus.
5. They are not just a church but also a political institution with embassies worldwide.
6. They have been caught trafficking children through their orphanages.
7. They helped Nazi criminals escape justice with their Vatican “ratlines”.
8. They behave like a “death cult” with the corpses and skeletons they like to display.
9. They defend their unbiblical teachings using the “sacred tradition” excuse.
10. Their salvation plan is a works-based salvation just like ALL false religions.
How to identify the TRUE Church of the Lord Jesus Christ:
The Roman Catholic Church is definitely not the true church they claim to be! The true Church is a spiritual body, not some sect, denomination or man-made church! And THIS is how you IDENTIFY the true Church started by the Lord Jesus Christ:
The true Church is NOT identified by a NAME. The true Church is identified by its MEMBERS. And how do you identify those members? By their GOSPEL (i.e. their plan of salvation). And that plan is salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His merits ALONE. If I said I was a Muslim but I did not believe that Mohammed was Allah’s prophet, I would NOT be a true Muslim. Likewise, if I said I was a Christian but I did not believe in salvation by the merits of Christ ALONE, I would NOT be a true Christian, and therefore I would NOT be a member of the TRUE Church. Do YOU believe the TRUE Gospel?
Additional characteristics of the TRUE Church:
- The TRUE Church has its ONLY headquarters in Heaven, not the Vatican.
- The Lord Jesus Christ is the ONLY Head of the TRUE Church, not ANY pope.
- The TRUE Church is not a denomination.
- The TRUE Church does not have 7 sacraments, it has 2 ordinances: baptism and communion.
- The TRUE Church baptizes believers only.
- The TRUE Church views communion as a memorial service for the Lord’s sacrifice at Calvary, not as a Jesus cloning procedure.
- Members are all trusting their salvation to the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
- Members must be supernaturally born from above by the Holy Spirit, at which point GOD makes them members of His world-wide Church.
- Members NEVER own, use or bow down to religious statues, because they KNOW those things are idols.
- Members go straight to Heaven – in their spirit – when they die.
Why coming home to Rome is not an option for this ex-Catholic:
I would be sinning against God if I returned to the Catholic Church because I would have to accept their unbiblical teachings and participate in their pagan and man-made rituals, of which there are many. In fact, there is not a single truly born-again (regenerated by the Holy Spirit) Christian who would ever return to the Catholic Church after being led out of there by God. To return to the Catholic Church would be to SIN AGAINST GOD. Catholics who preach Rome’s false man-made, man-centered, works-righteousness plan of salvation put themselves under the curse of Almighty God as the apostle Paul emphatically stated here, even repeating himself for added emphasis:
“8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.” Galatians 1:8-9
— RM Kane