Brother Kane
Dates That Various Unbiblical Catholic Doctrines Were Announced
Dates That Various Unbiblical Catholic Doctrines Were Announced
Here is a list of doctrines and corresponding dates when they were introduced into the Roman Catholic Church. These doctrines are found nowhere in the Bible.
As you examine this list, bear in mind that the ROMAN Catholic Church was starting to form around the time that ROMAN emperor Constantine issued his “Edict of Milan“, in an attempt to ease up on persecution of Christians. This edict of… Continue reading
Salvation Taken Into God’s Own Hands
Salvation Taken Into God’s Own Hands
By Edward Griffin (1770-1837)
According to the plan of grace revealed in the Gospel, God has taken the work of salvation into His own hands. The great design originated in the mind of God. In the ages of eternity it arose out of His own self-moving goodness, without the counsel of any creature—without the intercession of any creature— without respect to the merits of any creature. It was His own purpose, His own favourite… Continue reading
Salvation Is Of The Lord By Charles Spurgeon
Salvation Is Of The Lord
by Charles H. Spurgeon
If GOD does require the sinner—dead in sin—that he should take the first step, then he requireth just that which renders salvation as impossible under the gospel as ever it was under the law, seeing man is as unable to believe as he is to obey, and is just as much without power to come to Christ as he is without power to go to heaven without Christ. The power must… Continue reading
Why I No Longer Trust The Medical System
Why I No Longer Trust The Medical System
And Why You Shouldn’t Trust Them Either
I wrote this article because I felt I needed to share some important stories of serious problems I encountered with the medical system over the past few years as my family and I interacted with the health care industry that seems to have a lot of dangerous ways of treating a person’s health.
Curing Cancer Patients With Poison? No, Just Killing Them… Continue reading
Rampant Catholic Clergy Immorality And Sex Abuse Crimes
Rampant Catholic Clergy Immorality And Sex Abuse Crimes
The number of victims of sex abuse by Catholic priests and other Catholic clergy is astronomical worldwide and continues to grow. That religion’s leaders are so evil and corrupt that, rather than bringing perpetrators to justice, their leaders move the abusers out of the parishes where they committed their crimes to places around the world where those abusers can avoid prosecution (and continue their abuse). This practice even has a name… Continue reading