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Rampant Catholic Clergy Immorality And Sex Abuse Crimes

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Rampant Catholic Clergy Immorality And Sex Abuse Crimes

victims of Catholic pedophile priest clergy child sex crimes

The number of victims of sex abuse by Catholic priests and other Catholic clergy is astronomical worldwide and continues to grow. That religion’s leaders are so evil and corrupt that, rather than bringing perpetrators to justice, their leaders move the abusers out of the parishes where they committed their crimes to places around the world where those abusers can avoid prosecution (and continue their abuse). This practice even has a name assigned to it: “priest shuffling”. And then the Catholic Church pays off the victims to silence them, that is, if the victims come forward. One of the primary victims of Catholic clergy are “altar boys” whom Catholic priests “groom” by having these boys help the priests get dressed and undressed in their clerical garments before and after each Catholic mass. Another way that priests find victims is in Catholic-run orphanages. Those victims have no parents to protect them or to seek justice for the victims. Yet another avenue for “victim shopping” by Catholic clergy is for predator priests to serve as Boy Scout leaders (Scoutmasters).


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